‘Starch picture’ of Dr Jan Ingen-Housz on a geranium leaf (prepared by William Ruf and Howard Gest). The image of Ingen-Housz consists of photosynthetically-produced starch granules, which were ‘developed’ by staining with I2-KI. An engraving of Ingen-Housz (in Reed 1949) was photographed, and the negative placed in a slide projector. Light passing through the negative was focused on a geranium leaf (depleted of starch by prior incubation in darkness) for about one hour. After extraction of pigments from the leaf with boiling 80% alcohol, the blanched leaf was flooded with I2-KI solution to stain the starch granules. Within minutes, the details of the engraving dramatically appeared on the leaf. The inscription at the bottom refers to Dr Ingen-Housz’s fame as a ‘smallpox inoculator’. The ‘starch picture’ procedure was invented by Hans Molisch in 1914. Further details and an English translation of Molisch’s paper ‘On the production of photographs in foliage leaves’ can be found in Gest 1991.1。