
What do you regret saying or doi

2017-11-13  本文已影响29人  逍遥_9353

Recently, a commercial titled The world is no bigger than a fried tomato omelet went viral on Chinese social media. 近来,在中国社会媒体上一个商业的有称号的世界比一个炸过的西红柿煎饼变成有病毒的来说并不是很大。

It shows a woman getting out of bed in the middle of the night to attend to her son after he asked for help. 它显示了一个女人在半夜询问她儿子要帮助后下床去照顾她儿子。The boy, seeing how his mother got up without complaining, is deeply touched, but feels bad for disturbing her and says a sincere "thank you".男孩,看见他母亲个起床没有抱怨,内心深深地触动,但为打扰她而感到糟糕并说一个真诚的“谢谢你”。

Another recent hit has been the online reality show Where Are We Going, Dad, which features five celebrity fathers and their children traveling around China, experiencing rural life and playing games. 另外最近受打击的是线上真实节目爸爸你去哪里了,这是以5个名人父亲和他们的孩子环游中国,经历农村生活和玩游戏为特征的节目。Audiences have reveled in the dads' failed attempts at making dinner, braiding hair and disciplining their children. 在做晚餐,编织头发和训练他们的孩子时,观众陶醉在父亲的失败意图中。But day by day, all five fathers have got better. 但一复一日,所有5个父亲变得更好。

Our parents, like the fathers in the show, grow up with us. 我们的父母亲,像视频里的父亲一样,和我们一起成长。Sometimes they can be clumsy and fail to keep pace. 有时候他们可能笨拙和没有跟上时代的脚步。As we grow up and become more mature, our parents can even become annoying: their calls might interrupt our work, or they seem to check our bank accounts all the time. 随着我们长大,变得更成熟,我们的父母可能甚至变得令人讨厌:他们的电话可能打断我们的工作或者他们似乎一直在检查我们的银行账户。We are most prone to hurt people who are close to us and care about us, but we are sure to regret it if we do.我们最容易伤害那些接近我们,关心我们的人,但如果我们那样做,我们一定会后悔。

好的词组:① get  out of 走出

②celebrity  n.名流;名声;名人,知名人士;名誉

③revel  in  陶醉于

④keep pace跟上时代步伐

⑤ discipline训练

⑥prone    adj.俯卧的;易于…的;有…倾向的;倾斜的,坡陡的


