看看有趣的P4 BMv2 Ⅰ:simple_switch.md

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BMv2 Simple Switch target

说明:翻译自The BMv2 Simple Switch target,学习自用












intrinsic_metadata header



header_type intrinsic_metadata_t {
    fields {
        ingress_global_timestamp : 48;
        egress_global_timestamp : 48;
        mcast_grp : 16;
        egress_rid : 16;
metadata intrinsic_metadata_t intrinsic_metadata;

queueing_metadata header


对于P4_14程序,仅在要访问排队信息时才需要定义此P4标头—提醒一下,数据包在入口和出口管道之间排队。请注意,此标头是“all or nothing”。您要么不定义它,要么定义它的所有字段(其中有4个)。我们建议您使用以下P4_14代码:

header_type queueing_metadata_t {
    fields {
        enq_timestamp : 48;
        enq_qdepth : 16;
        deq_timedelta : 32;
        deq_qdepth : 16;
        qid : 8;
metadata queueing_metadata_t queueing_metadata;


支持的primitive(原始) actions




if (a clone primitive action was called) {
    create clone(s) of the packet with details configured for the clone session
if (digest to generate) {   // because your code called generate_digest
    send a digest message to the control plane software
if (resubmit was called) {
    start ingress processing over again for the original packet
} else if (mcast_grp != 0) {  // because your code assigned a value to mcast_grp
    multicast the packet to the output port(s) configured for group mcast_grp
} else if (egress_spec == DROP_PORT) {  // e.g. because your code called drop/mark_to_drop
    Drop packet.
} else {
    unicast the packet to the port equal to egress_spec


if (a clone primitive action was called) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the `clone` or
    // `clone3` primitive action from a P4_16 program, or the
    // `clone_ingress_pkt_to_egress` primitive action in a P4_14
    // program, during ingress processing.

    Create zero or more clones of the packet.  The cloned packet(s)
    will be enqueued in the packet buffer, destined for the egress
    port(s) configured in the clone session whose numeric id was given
    as the value of the `session` parameter when the last clone
    primitive action was called.

    Each cloned packet will later perform egress processing,
    independently from whatever the original packet does next, and if
    multiple cloned packets are created via the same clone operation,
    independently from each other.

    The contents of the cloned packet(s) will be the same as the
    packet when it most recently began ingress processing, where the
    clone operation was performed, without any modifications that may
    have been made during the execution of that ingress code.  (That
    may not be the packet as originally received by the switch, if the
    packet reached this occurrence of ingress processing via a
    recirculate operation, for example.)

    If it was a clone3 (P4_16) or clone_ingress_pkt_to_egress (P4_14)
    action, also preserve the final ingress values of the metadata
    fields specified in the field list argument, except assign
    instance_type a value of PKT_INSTANCE_TYPE_INGRESS_CLONE.

    Each cloned packet will be processed by your parser code again.
    In many cases this will result in exactly the same headers being
    parsed as when the packet was most recently parsed, but if your
    parser code uses the value of standard_metadata.instance_type to
    affect its behavior, it could be different.

    After this parsing is done, each clone will continue processing at
    the beginning of your egress code.
    // fall through to code below
if (digest to generate) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the
    // generate_digest primitive action during ingress processing.
    Send a digest message to the control plane that contains the
    values of the fields in the specified field list.
    // fall through to code below
if (resubmit was called) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the resubmit
    // primitive action during ingress processing.
    Start ingress over again for this packet, with its original
    unmodified packet contents and metadata values.  Preserve the
    final ingress values of any fields specified in the field list
    given as an argument to the last resubmit() primitive operation
    called, except assign instance_type a value of PKT_INSTANCE_TYPE_RESUBMIT.
} else if (mcast_grp != 0) {
    // This condition will be true if your code made an assignment to
    // standard_metadata.mcast_grp during ingress processing.  There
    // are no special primitive actions built in to simple_switch for
    // you to call to do this -- use a normal P4_16 assignment
    // statement, or P4_14 modify_field() primitive action.
    Make 0 or more copies of the packet based upon the list of
    (egress_port, egress_rid) values configured by the control plane
    for the mcast_grp value.  Enqueue each one in the appropriate
    packet buffer queue.  The instance_type of each will be
} else if (egress_spec == DROP_PORT) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the
    // mark_to_drop (P4_16) or drop (P4_14) primitive action during
    // ingress processing.
    Drop packet.
} else {
    Enqueue one copy of the packet destined for egress_port equal to


if (a clone primitive action was called) {
    create clone(s) of the packet with details configured for the clone session
if (egress_spec == DROP_PORT) {  // e.g. because your code called drop/mark_to_drop
    Drop packet.
} else if (recirculate was called) {
    start ingress processing over again for deparsed packet
} else {
    Send the packet to the port in egress_port.


if (a clone primitive action was called) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the `clone` or
    // `clone3` primitive action from a P4_16 program, or the
    // `clone_egress_pkt_to_egress` primitive action in a P4_14
    // program, during egress processing.

    Create zero or more clones of the packet.  The cloned packet(s)
    will be enqueued in the packet buffer, destined for the egress
    port(s) configured in the clone session whose numeric id was given
    as the value of the `session` parameter when the last clone
    primitive action was called.

    Each cloned packet will later perform egress processing,
    independently from whatever the original packet does next, and if
    multiple cloned packets are created via the same clone operation,
    independently from each other.

    The contents of the cloned packet(s) will be as they are at the
    end of egress processing, including any changes made to the values
    of fields in headers, and whether headers were made valid or
    invalid.  Your deparser code will _not_ be executed for
    egress-to-egress cloned packets, nor will your parser code be
    executed for them.

    If it was a clone3 (P4_16) or clone_egress_pkt_to_egress (P4_14)
    action, also preserve the final egress values of the metadata
    fields specified in the field list argument, except assign
    instance_type a value of PKT_INSTANCE_TYPE_EGRESS_CLONE.  Each
    cloned packet will have the same standard_metadata fields
    overwritten that all packets that begin egress processing do,
    e.g. egress_port, egress_spec, egress_global_timestamp, etc.

    Each cloned packet will continue processing at the beginning of
    your egress code.
    // fall through to code below
if (egress_spec == DROP_PORT) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the
    // mark_to_drop (P4_16) or drop (P4_14) primitive action during
    // egress processing.
    Drop packet.
} else if (recirculate was called) {
    // This condition will be true if your code called the recirculate
    // primitive action during egress processing.
    Start ingress over again, for the packet as constructed by the
    deparser, with any modifications made to the packet during both
    ingress and egress processing.  Preserve the final egress values
    of any fields specified in the field list given as an argument to
    the last recirculate primitive action called, except assign
    instance_type a value of PKT_INSTANCE_TYPE_RECIRC.
} else {
    Send the packet to the port in egress_port.  Since egress_port is
    read only during egress processing, note that its value must have
    been determined during ingress processing for normal packets.  One
    exception is that a clone primitive action executed during egress
    processing will have its egress_port determined from the port that
    the control plane configured for that clone session).







请注意,如果使用P4Runtime API指定数字优先级,则获胜者是具有最大数字优先级值的获胜者。如果使用其他API,请查看控制平面API的文档,因为有些人可能选择使用最小数字优先级值胜过较大数字优先级值的约定。


如果范围表具有通过const entries表属性定义的条目,则根据它们在P4程序中出现的顺序,条目的相对优先级从高优先级到低优先级。


如果一个表没有range字段,但至少有一个ternaryoptional字段,则ternary在BMv2中将其内部实现为表。对于range表,单个搜索键可以与多个表条目匹配,因此每个条目必须具有由控制平面软件分配的数字优先级。关于表格的lpm上述字段的注释range也适用于ternary表格,以及关于通过指定的条目的注释const entries

Longest prefix match(最长前缀匹配)表


如果最长前缀匹配表具有通过const entries表属性定义的条目,则条目的相对优先级由前缀长度(而不是它们在P4程序中出现的顺序)确定。

Exact match(完全匹配)表


如果精确匹配表具有通过const entries表属性定义的条目,则任何搜索关键字最多可以有一个匹配条目,因此,在P4程序中出现的相对顺序对于确定哪个条目将获胜并不重要。

使用以下命令为表条目指定匹配条件const entries

下表显示了对于match_kindP4_16表键字段的每个值,允许使用哪种语法为const entries列表中的表条目指定一组匹配字段值。


range ternary optional lpm exact
lo .. hi 是(注1) 没有 没有 没有 没有
val &&& mask 没有 是(注2) 没有 是(注3) 没有
val 是(注4) 是(注5) 是(注5)
_ or default 是(注6) 是(注6) 是(注6) 是(注6) 没有

注1:限制:lo <= hi。运行时搜索关键字值k与匹配lo <= k <= hi

注2:限制:val == (val & mask)。的位位置mask等于1是精确匹配位的位置,且位位置,其中mask为0的“外卡”或不关心位的位置。运行时搜索关键字值k与匹配(k & mask) == (val & mask)

注3:限制:val == (val & mask)并且mask是一个“prefix mask(前缀掩码)”,即它具有所有位置是连续的1 bit,并且在该字段的最高有效bit位置。警告:如果在P4_16程序尝试指定的前缀作为val/prefix_length(用于指定的前缀,诸如simple_switch_CLI等使用命令行界面的语法),则它实际上是将val除以prefix_length的算术表达式,因此val的情况将视为完全匹配。编译器不会发出警告,因为它是完全合法的除法运算语法。

注4:等同于范围val .. val,因此其行为与上的完全匹配val

注5:在该字段的所有位位置中,等于val &&& maskwhere mask为1,因此它的行为与上的完全匹配val

注6:匹配该字段的任何允许值。等价于min_posible_field_value .. max_possible_field_valuerange字段,或0 &&& 0ternarylpm字段。


header h1_t {
    bit<8> f1;
    bit<8> f2;

struct headers_t {
    h1_t h1;

// ... later ...

control ingress(inout headers_t hdr,
                inout metadata_t m,
                inout standard_metadata_t stdmeta)
    action a(bit<9> x) { stdmeta.egress_spec = x; }
    table t1 {
        key = { hdr.h1.f1 : range; }
        actions = { a; }
        const entries = {
             1 ..  8 : a(1);
             6 .. 12 : a(2);  // ranges are allowed to overlap between entries
            15 .. 15 : a(3);
            17       : a(4);  // equivalent to 17 .. 17
            // It is not required to have a "match anything" rule in a table,
            // but it is allowed (except for exact match fields), and several of
            // these examples have one.
            _        : a(5);
    table t2 {
        key = { hdr.h1.f1 : ternary; }
        actions = { a; }
        // There is no requirement to specify ternary match criteria using
        // hexadecimal values.  I personally prefer it to make the mask bit
        // positions more obvious.
        const entries = {
            0x04 &&& 0xfc : a(1);
            0x40 &&& 0x72 : a(2);
            0x50 &&& 0xff : a(3);
            0xfe          : a(4);  // equivalent to 0xfe &&& 0xff
            _             : a(5);
    table t3 {
        key = {
            hdr.h1.f1 : optional;
            hdr.h1.f2 : optional;
        actions = { a; }
        const entries = {
            // Note that when there are two or more fields in the key of a
            // table, const entries key select expressions must be surrounded by
            // parentheses.
            (47, 72) : a(1);
            ( _, 72) : a(2);
            ( _, 75) : a(3);
            (49,  _) : a(4);
            _        : a(5);
    table t4 {
        key = { hdr.h1.f1 : lpm; }
        actions = { a; }
        const entries = {
            0x04 &&& 0xfc : a(1);
            0x40 &&& 0xf8 : a(2);
            0x04 &&& 0xff : a(3);
            0xf9          : a(4);  // equivalent to 0xf9 &&& 0xff
            _             : a(5);
    table t5 {
        key = { hdr.h1.f1 : exact; }
        actions = { a; }
        const entries = {
            0x04 : a(1);
            0x40 : a(2);
            0x05 : a(3);
            0xf9 : a(4);
    // ... more code here ...



不幸的是,这些尝试保留元数据的操作中至少有一些不能正常工作 — 它们仍然导致数据包被recirculate、resubmit或clone,但它们并未保留所需的元数据字段值。



根本问题是P4_14具有field_list构造,这是对其他字段的named reference一种受限类型。当这些字段列表在P4_14中用于保留元数据的重新分发,重新提交和克隆操作时,它们不仅指示目标读取这些字段值,而且以后还会将它们写入(对于循环,重新提交或克隆后的数据包)。使用P4_16的语法字段列表{field_1, field_2, ...}仅限于在执行语句或表达式时访问字段的当前值,但不表示任何类型的引用,并且P4_16语言规范不能导致这些字段的值发生更改在程序的另一部分。



没有已知的简单规则来确定这些操作的哪些调用将正确地保留元数据,而哪些不能。如果至少需要一些指示,请检查作为编译器输出生成的BMv2 JSON文件。


BMv2 JSON文件中的JSON数据表示每个重新分发,重新提交和克隆操作。搜索以下with双引号的字符串:

您可以使用key在BMv2 JSON文件的部分中的每个字段列表中找到这些字段"field_lists"。无论字段名称在哪里,simple_switch都将使用这些名称保留字段的值。主要问题是这些字段是否与编译器用来表示要保留的字段具有相同存储位置。

在某些情况下,如果BMv2 JSON文件中的字段名称看起来与P4源代码中的字段名称相同或相似,通常就是这种情况。


P4_16 plus v1model架构说明

本部分是针对P4_16的v1model架构的不完整描述。本文档的许多早期部分也对P4_16 v1model体系结构进行了描述,但在某些情况下,它们还用于记录的P4_14行为simple_switch。本部分仅适用于特定于P4_16以及v1model架构的内容。

在某些情况下,此处记录的详细信息是关于如何在BMv2 simple_switch中实现v1model体系结构的。此类详细信息以“ BMv2 v1model implementation”开头。v1model架构的其他实现可能会做出不同的实现选择或限制。



package V1Switch<H, M>(Parser<H, M> p,
                       VerifyChecksum<H, M> vr,
                       Ingress<H, M> ig,
                       Egress<H, M> eg,
                       ComputeChecksum<H, M> ck,
                       Deparser<H> dep





p4c plus simple_switch不支持在源代码中显式转换到reject状态。它只能通过调用verify失败来转到。


VerifyChecksum将在Parser完成之后和Ingress开始之前执行。p4c plus simple_switch仅支持此类控件内部对verify_checksumverify_checksum_with_payload外部函数​​的一系列调用。有关其定义,请参见v1model.p4 include文件。这些函数的第一个参数是布尔值,它可以是用于使校验和计算以该表达式为真为条件的任意布尔条件。








P4_16语言规范v1.1.0允许在动作声明中使用if语句。p4c在为目标BMv2 simple_switch进行编译时,支持某些类型的if语句,尤其是可以使用三目运算符condition ? true_expr : false_expr转换为赋值的语句。如下的情况是支持的:

    action foo() {
        meta.b = meta.b + 5;
        if (hdr.ethernet.etherType == 7) {
            hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = 1;
        } else {
            hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = 2;


    action foo() {
        meta.b = meta.b + 5;
        if (hdr.ethernet.etherType == 7) {
            hdr.ethernet.dstAddr = 1;
        } else {


No `switch` statements are allowed within an action --- the grammar permits
them, but a semantic check should reject them.  Some targets may impose
additional restrictions on action bodies --- e.g., only allowing
straight-line code, with no conditional statements or expressions.




ComputeChecksum控件在Egress控件完成之后和Deparser控件开始之前立即执行。p4c plus simple_switch仅支持此类控件内部对update_checksumupdate_checksum_with_payload外部函数​​的一系列调用。这些函数的第一个参数是布尔值,它可以是一个任意布尔条件,用于使校验和更新操作以该表达式为true为条件。




BMv2 register实施说明

p4c plus simple_switch都支持寄存器数组,其元素为bit <W>int <W>类型的任意值,但不包含其他类型,例如在某些程序中使用structs(结构体)会很方便,但是就不支持这样的功能。

作为解决此限制的一种方法的示例,假设您想要一个结构,该结构具有三个字段x,y和z,类型为bit <8>bit <3>bit <6>。您可以通过使用类型为bit <17>(3个字段的总宽度)的元素制作一个寄存器数组来模拟此情况,并在从寄存器数组中读取后使用P4_16位切片操作将17位值中的3个字段分开;用P4_16 bit向量串联操作,将3个字段组合在一起,形成17位结果,然后将17位值写入寄存器数组。

    register< bit<17> >(512) my_register_array;
    bit<9> index;

    // ... other code here ...

    // This example action is written assuming that some code executed
    // earlier (not shown here) has assigned a correct desired value
    // to the variable 'index'.

    action update_fields() {
        bit<17> tmp;
        bit<8> x;
        bit<3> y;
        bit<6> z;

        my_register_array.read(tmp, (bit<32>) index);
        // Use bit slicing to extract out the logically separate parts
        // of the 17-bit register entry value.
        x = tmp[16:9];
        y = tmp[8:6];
        z = tmp[5:0];

        // Whatever modifications you wish to make to x, y, and z go
        // here.  This is just an example code snippet, not known to
        // do anything useful for packet processing.
        if (y == 0) {
            x = x + 1;
            y = 7;
            z = z ^ hdr.ethernet.etherType[3:0];
        } else {
            // leave x unchanged
            y = y - 1;
            z = z << 1;

        // Concatenate the updated values of x, y, and z back into a
        // 17-bit value for writing back to the register.
        tmp = x ++ y ++ z;
        my_register_array.write((bit<32>) index, tmp);

尽管p4c plus simple_switch支持所需的宽度W以用于数据包处理的数组元素,但Thrift API(由simple_switch_CLI使用,可能还包括某些交换机控制器软件)仅支持控制平面对数组元素的读写操作,最多64个位宽(请参阅文件standard.thrift中的BmRegisterValue类型,截至2019年10月为64位整数)。 P4Runtime API没有此限制,但是对于simple_switch,还没有完成寄存器读写操作的P4Runtime实现:p4lang/PI#376

BMv2 v1model实现支持并行执行。它使用对动作中访问的所有寄存器对象的锁定来确保动作中所有步骤的执行是原子的,相对于执行同一动作的其他数据包或访问某些相同寄存器对象的任何动作而言。您无需在P4_16程序中使用@atomic注释即可为您保证这种原子性。

截至2019年10月的BMv2 v1model会忽略P4_16程序中的@atomic注释。因此,即使使用此类注释,也不会使BMv2将大于一个action调用的任何代码块都视为atomic事务。

BMv2 random实施说明

random函数的BMv2 v1model实现支持lohi参数作为run-time(运行时的)变量,即它们不必是编译时间常数。

同样,它们不必限于(hi - lo + 1)的2次幂的约束。

类型Tbit <W>被限制为W <= 64

BMv2 hash实施说明

hash函数的BMv2 v1model实现支持basemax参数作为运行时的变量,即不必是编译时间常数。


调用从数据H计算得出的哈希值。写入max参数的名为result的值:如果max> = 1,则(base + (H % max));否则为base

类型OresultTbaseMmax被限制为W <= 64bit<W>

BMv2 direct_counter实施说明

如果表t通过在其定义中具有表属性counters = c而与direct_counter对象c关联,则BMv2 v1model实现的行为就好像该表的每个操作都恰好包含一次对c.count()的调用一样,无论是否是没有、一次或多次。

BMv2 direct_meter实施说明

如果表t通过在其定义中具有表属性meter = m而与direct_meter对象m关联,则该表的至少一个动作必须调用m.read(result_field);,对于某些字段result_field具有键入bit <W>其中W> = 2

完成此操作后,BMv2 v1model实现的行为就好像 表的所有操作t都在其中进行了此类调用,即使它们没有。



