
2018-03-01  本文已影响0人  冰释融化

          Warmth surrounding, soft breeze fanning my long dress, I couldn't help taking a long deep breath and releasing it slowly. I don't need to hug myself and rub my arms any more. This long sleeveless cotton dress finally finds its place. And I finally recall the reason I buy it. It's beautiful!

"I want to catch crabs-"

"Have you seen any?"

"There should have some-or mantis shrimps-"


"I want to have a bucket-I want to catch crabs-"

"Have you seen anyone catching crabs? It's not the time yet."

Oh, it's not. The water was still chilly; the sea wind was still strong; the sun glared, yet the sand on the beach still felt cold. Why was I there?

"Oh, here is one. Come. Come-see, there is a crab- "


"Come and see it-it's so small-I want to have a bucket. I want to take it home-"

"What do you want to do with that one little crab?It's not even enough for a bite. Come, let's go back. It's cold."

"You wear the jacket-I do not feel that cold-"

"Oh, good for you."

"I want a bucket-"

"Where can I get you a bucket?"

"There-over there-That aunt is selling it-you see?"

"Fine, I'll wait you here."

"Come with me-"

The little red bucket was cute, together with a little green shovel. Aren't they necessary to play on the beach? People use them to build the sand castle, aren't they?

"Where's the crab you saw?"

"It was there. Right under the pebble-It must have gone home-We may find a whole family-"

"Leave the bucket. We should go now. It's cold."

"I want to take it back-"

" What for? It's not convenient. Besides it's not allowed to take a shovel on the train."

"It's a little one-"

"Leave it."


Oh, young girl.

Why you gaze at him instead of the bus stop poster?

Why you keep asking him which one to take instead of finding it out yourself?

Oh, I want to tell you I like your white T-shirt and blue jean shorts-

Oh, here comes my bus-departure from the train station-


