Motivation tips from Julie Zhuo

2017-08-27  本文已影响0人  Lebkuchen

How do you stay motivated?

I’m always amazed how you are able to keep the writing goals (and I can imagine many other goals) you’ve set at the beginning of the year, even in the midst of holidays or vacations. Most of people (including myself) have challenges to keep a new year resolution, keep motivated and keep the commitment. I’m curious what keeps you motivated and persistent while there are so many other things going on. Do you have those moments that you’d just want to give up or be comfortable (lazy)?

I wish I had some secret sauce to share here, but like all of us, I often struggle to remain motivated. There have been far too many days where I woke up brimming with optimism, planning to obliterate my to-do list, only to be find the hours sneak away from me with nary an item checked-off and no one to blame but myself… and perhaps the siren song of the internet’s endless entertainment options.

Recognizing this weakness was holding me back from achieving all my work, writing, and family aspirations, I set out to change my ways. I believe that motivation is a muscle. Like any physical skill, you can improve your motivation with regular exercise.

There’s no secret sauce, but here are a few of the ways I’ve practiced getting and staying motivated:

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