
2019-05-28  本文已影响0人  烂吹笙
package com.m7.imkfsdk.utils;

import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.content.ContentUris;
import android.content.Context;
import android.database.Cursor;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Environment;
import android.provider.DocumentsContract;
import android.provider.MediaStore;
import android.provider.OpenableColumns;
import android.support.annotation.NonNull;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;

import java.io.BufferedOutputStream;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;

 * Created by pangw on 2018/5/23.

public class PickUtils {

    public static final String DOCUMENTS_DIR = "documents";

    public static String getPath(final Context context, final Uri uri) {

        final boolean isKitKat = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.KITKAT;

        // DocumentProvider
        if (isKitKat && DocumentsContract.isDocumentUri(context, uri)) {
            // ExternalStorageProvider
            if (isExternalStorageDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];

                if ("primary".equalsIgnoreCase(type)) {
                    return Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/" + split[1];
            // DownloadsProvider
            else if (isDownloadsDocument(uri)) {

                final String id = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);

                if (id != null && id.startsWith("raw:")) {
                    return id.substring(4);

                String[] contentUriPrefixesToTry = new String[]{

                for (String contentUriPrefix : contentUriPrefixesToTry) {
                    Uri contentUri = ContentUris.withAppendedId(Uri.parse(contentUriPrefix), Long.valueOf(id));
                    try {
                        String path = getDataColumn(context, contentUri, null, null);
                        if (path != null && !path.equals("")) {
                            return path;
                    } catch (Exception e) {

                // path could not be retrieved using ContentResolver, therefore copy file to accessible cache using streams
                String fileName = getFileName(context, uri);
                File cacheDir = getDocumentCacheDir(context);
                File file = generateFileName(fileName, cacheDir);
                String destinationPath = null;
                if (file != null) {
                    destinationPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                    saveFileFromUri(context, uri, destinationPath);

                return destinationPath;
            // MediaProvider
            else if (isMediaDocument(uri)) {
                final String docId = DocumentsContract.getDocumentId(uri);
                final String[] split = docId.split(":");
                final String type = split[0];

                Uri contentUri = null;
                if ("image".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("video".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Video.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;
                } else if ("audio".equals(type)) {
                    contentUri = MediaStore.Audio.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI;

                final String selection = "_id=?";
                final String[] selectionArgs = new String[]{split[1]};

                return getDataColumn(context, contentUri, selection, selectionArgs);
        // MediaStore (and general)
        else if ("content".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            String path = getDataColumn(context, uri, null, null);
            if (path != null && !path.equals("")) return path;

            // path could not be retrieved using ContentResolver, therefore copy file to accessible cache using streams
            String fileName = getFileName(context, uri);
            File cacheDir = getDocumentCacheDir(context);
            File file = generateFileName(fileName, cacheDir);
            String destinationPath = null;
            if (file != null) {
                destinationPath = file.getAbsolutePath();
                saveFileFromUri(context, uri, destinationPath);
            return destinationPath;
        // File
        else if ("file".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme())) {
            return uri.getPath();
        return null;

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is ExternalStorageProvider.
    public static boolean isExternalStorageDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "com.android.externalstorage.documents".equals(uri.getAuthority());

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is DownloadsProvider.
    public static boolean isDownloadsDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "com.android.providers.downloads.documents".equals(uri.getAuthority());

     * @param uri The Uri to check.
     * @return Whether the Uri authority is MediaProvider.
    public static boolean isMediaDocument(Uri uri) {
        return "com.android.providers.media.documents".equals(uri.getAuthority());

    public static String getDataColumn(Context context, Uri uri, String selection,
                                       String[] selectionArgs) {

        Cursor cursor = null;
        final String column = "_data";
        final String[] projection = {column};
        String path = "";
        try {
            cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection, selection, selectionArgs,
            if (cursor != null && cursor.moveToFirst()) {
                final int column_index = cursor.getColumnIndexOrThrow(column);
                path = cursor.getString(column_index);
                return path;
        } catch (Exception e) {
        } finally {
            if (cursor != null)
        return path;

    public static String getFileName(@NonNull Context context, Uri uri) {
        String mimeType = context.getContentResolver().getType(uri);
        String filename = null;

        if (mimeType == null && context != null) {
            String path = getPath(context, uri);
            if (path == null) {
                filename = getName(uri.toString());
            } else {
                File file = new File(path);
                filename = file.getName();
        } else {
            Cursor returnCursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, null,
                    null, null, null);
            if (returnCursor != null) {
                int nameIndex = returnCursor.getColumnIndex(OpenableColumns.DISPLAY_NAME);
                filename = returnCursor.getString(nameIndex);

        return filename;

    public static String getName(String filename) {
        if (filename == null) {
            return null;
        int index = filename.lastIndexOf('/');
        return filename.substring(index + 1);

    public static File getDocumentCacheDir(@NonNull Context context) {
        File dir = new File(context.getCacheDir(), DOCUMENTS_DIR);
        if (!dir.exists()) {

        return dir;

    public static File generateFileName(@Nullable String name, File directory) {
        if (name == null) {
            return null;

        File file = new File(directory, name);

        if (file.exists()) {
            String fileName = name;
            String extension = "";
            int dotIndex = name.lastIndexOf('.');
            if (dotIndex > 0) {
                fileName = name.substring(0, dotIndex);
                extension = name.substring(dotIndex);

            int index = 0;

            while (file.exists()) {
                name = fileName + '(' + index + ')' + extension;
                file = new File(directory, name);

        try {
            if (!file.createNewFile()) {
                return null;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            return null;

        return file;

    private static void saveFileFromUri(Context context, Uri uri, String destinationPath) {
        InputStream is = null;
        BufferedOutputStream bos = null;
        try {
            is = context.getContentResolver().openInputStream(uri);
            bos = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(destinationPath, false));
            byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
            do {
            } while (is.read(buf) != -1);
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            try {
                if (is != null) is.close();
                if (bos != null) bos.close();
            } catch (IOException e) {


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