VOL.1 罗拉快跑|《罗拉快跑》的一些细节
During shooting, Franka Potente could not wash her hair for seven weeks because the red hair color was very sensitive to water and would have got lighter with every washing.
拍摄过程中,弗兰卡•波坦特(Franka Potente,饰演罗拉)七个礼拜没有洗头发,因为她的红发不能碰水,每洗一次就会掉色变淡。

Tom Tykwer hated the empty space on a wall in the casino and asked production designer Alexander Manasse to paint a picture of Kim Novak as she was in Vertigo (1958). But Alexander didn't remember what she looked like, so Tom suggested he painted her from behind. Alexander completed the picture within fifteen minutes.
汤姆•克提威十分讨厌赌场的墙上空空荡荡什么都没有,他让美工设计师Alexander Manasse在上面画上金•诺瓦克在《迷魂记》中的形象。但Alexander忘记了她的长相,无从下笔,汤姆就建议他画诺瓦克的背影。Alexander只花了15分钟就完成了这幅画。


The colors red (Lola's hair, numerous cars, telephone) and yellow (the phone box, supermarket, tram) appear very often in the film, these colors were selected by the director to signify danger. The reds are mainly in Lola's scenes and yellows in Manni's.

There are many spirals in the film (stair cases, bar behind phone booth etc). This is because director Tom Tykwer was a fan of 'Alfred Hitchcock''s Vertigo (1958).

Yoshiaki Koizumi who is a game designer at Nintendo(R) called 'Run Lola, Run' one of the main inspirations he had when he came up with the idea behind the game 'The Legend of Zelda - Majora's Mask' (released on Nintendo 64 in year 2000). Like Run Lola, Run, the game is centered around the experience of time rewinding which will make you experience the same days and events reoccur over and over until you eventually have what you need to achieve your main goal.
Yoshiaki Koizumi是任天堂的游戏设计师,他说《罗拉快跑》是他创作游戏《塞尔达传说:姆吉拉的假面》(2000年发布在任天堂N64)时的主要灵感来源。这个游戏就像《罗拉快跑》一样,游戏主要围绕着时间倒流的体验,这会让你一直经历同一天、同一事件,它们一直循环,直到你最终完成你的使命。

It took nearly five weeks to persuade a supermarket in Berlin to allow them to shoot the robbery sequence.

Hans Paetsch, who speaks the narration at the beginning, is Germany's most popular fairy tale narrator. His characteristic voice is easily recognized by anyone who grew up with fairy tale records in Germany.
影评开场是的叙述者是德国最受欢迎的童话故事讲述者Hans Paetsch。在德国,每个听着他的童话长大的人,都很容易辨认出他极具特点的嗓音。
The shot where the roulette ball lands on 20 was not a trick shot - the crew simply filmed the ball dropping into the wheel, and it hit 20 on one of their first takes.

The blind woman that Manni borrows the phone card from is Moritz Bleibtreu's mother, Monica Bleibtreu.

Lola bets to the number twenty, the first and last story last twenty minutes and twenty minutes is also the time she has to get the money.
The two sentences at the opening ("The ball is round" and "The game lasts 90 minutes") are famous quotes by German soccer coaching legend Sepp Herberger.
The money bag, stolen by a homeless man, has Russian lettering on it - "Malossol Original". It's actually a bag for Russian Caspian caviar under the brand "Malossol Original".

The decoration on the wall of the teller is a bill from Slovenia, which was in circulation between 1992-2007 (before replaced by Eur).

The glass clock in the bank is broken using a small air rifle firing a small stone.
Included among the "1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die", edited by Steven Schneider.
“死前必看的1001部电影”是由Steven Schneider编辑的。
The film and it's visual style could had influenced the Jason Statham flick Crank (2006).