2021-09-04  本文已影响0人  宇宙中微子


D.8. Human Resource Development: The Next Generation

55. Acquiring and retaining skilled personnel to ensure a competent workforce for all phases of the nuclear facility life cycle are among the top priorities for the nuclear community. However, long-term career prospects in all phases of the lifecycle of nuclear facilities and organizations makes working in the nuclear industry an attractive option. Moreover, careers in the nuclear field also offer many opportunities for societally meaningful work, such as providing clean energy and water or helping countries achieve socioeconomic development.

56. Concerns about possible shortages of qualified personnel pose different challenges for different countries. A particular challenge for nuclear new build projects is the identification and development of expertise and human capital, as there are few such projects and there are often many years between them (with the exception of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea and the Russian Federation). Innovative approaches, such as digital and blended learning, are being put into practice to make nuclear training, education and capacity building more easily accessible to new generations of the nuclear workforce in both operating and embarking countries. For countries with expanding nuclear power programmes, the challenge is to scale up their existing education and training in order to have the required qualified workforce as soon as it is needed.

57. Countries planning to supply nuclear energy technology can support recipient countries in meeting their national human resource needs by transferring capabilities to build education and training infrastructure. Cooperation between nuclear operating countries and embarking countries has already been proven as beneficial for bridging the experience gap.

58. In the changing global landscape, talent attraction and retention in the nuclear field is further challenged by technological innovation, increased mobility and evolving demographics. At the same time, innovative technological approaches, such as digital and blended learning, are put into practice to make nuclear training, education and capacity building more easily accessible to new generations of the nuclear workforce in both operating and embarking countries.

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