今天,我醒来之后便参加了学校组织的新生欢迎会 ,虽然只是短短的半小时,我却解决了mac不能录制屏幕的问题,花了15块钱买了一个盗版的序列号完美解决。
Today, when I woke up, I attended a welcome meeting online in zoom. Although it was just a half hour. I solved a serious problem that my mac can't record the screen. Then i spend 15 rmb in buying a fake serious number which can used in a software that can solve this problem.
And then i boiled some instant noodles, however the taste of it did't feels good. Maybe it was because I did't want to cook, so I ate the noodles quikly and the I went to campus to take my student card.
And I went to a supermarket in the downtown, obviously I did't contol my self. I bought a lot of stuff which filled in my whole backpack. That is ridiculous. I felt my independence of feeling is so stronge which makes me can't be a dependent personality.