RNase H-dependent PCR (rhPCR)
Benefts of rhPCR
Elimination of primer dimers
未添加RNase H2的情况下,在阴性样本中PCR扩增,使用未修饰的引物仅获得不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物不产生任何片段;在阳性样本中扩增,使用未修饰的引物获得少量目标片段和大量不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物不产生任何片段;在阳性样本和相似样本组成的混合样本中扩增,使用未修饰的引物获得少量目标片段和大量不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物不产生任何片段。
添加RNase H2的情况下,在阴性样本中PCR扩增,使用未修饰的引物仅获得不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物不产生任何片段;在阳性样本中扩增,使用未修饰的引物获得少量目标片段和大量不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物仅产生目标片段;在阳性样本和相似样本组成的混合样本中扩增,使用未修饰的引物获得少量目标片段和大量不同大小的非特异性片段,使用修饰过的引物仅产生目标片段。
- Improved Performance of Multiplex Reactions
- Improved Specifcity: Discriminating Closely-Related Genes
- Detection of single base pair mismatches with rhPCR
The effects of mismatches at the “0” positions on the rhPCR assay .
Allele-specific PCR using the standard unmodified primers showed ΔCq values ranging from 1.2 to 10.9 with an average of 5.4.
The rhPCR assay showed a much higher level of discrimination with ΔCq values ranging from 5.3 to 14.9 and an average cycle delay of 10.9;All twelve mismatches were easily detected with ΔCq values greater than 5 cycles.
The effects of mismatches at the “-1” and “+1” positions on the rhPCR assay were also studied.
Mismatch discrimination varied from 0.8 to 16.1 cycles for the “-1” series, with an average ΔCq value of 7.7.
For the “+1” series, ΔCq varied from 0.2 to 13.8 cycles, with an average value of 6.6.
Although mismatch discrimination varied with sequence context, overall the greatest specificity was achieved by placing the mismatch opposite to the RNA base (position “0”).
- Improved Specifcity: SNP Detection
Standard allele-specifc primers resulted in mismatch discrimination of <2.0 cycles. Using the blocked-cleavable primers, discrimination of the rU:G (black curves) and rC:A (blue curves) mismatches were 12.6 and 12.1 cycles, respectively (图 5).
The correct genotype (homozygous T/T, heterozygous T/C or homozygous C/C) was easily called (图6) in real-time (45 cycles) and end-point (35 cycles) PCR formats.
- Rare Allele Dtection
- RNase H2 can also be used to increase the specificity of
DNA ligation assays (data not shown).
- rhpcr-white-paper
- Dobosy J, Rose S D, Beltz K, et al. RNase H-dependent PCR (rhPCR): improved specificity and single nucleotide polymorphism detection using blocked cleavable primers[J]. BMC Biotechnology, 2011, 11(1): 80-80.