2020年高考英语天津卷(一) - 阅读理解A

2022-09-03  本文已影响0人  让文字更美

Your student ID card identifies you as a student at the University of Bolton. It will provide you with access to University facilities such as University Libraries, Sports Centre, and Computing Services. Please carry your card with you at all times. Do not lose your card or lend it to others. Your card is valid during the whole time of your studies. It remains the property of the University of Bolton at all times.

New students - photographs

You will be requested to upload a passport sized photograph as part of the online registration process. This should be a jpg file with a size of no more than 1 MB. Your photograph should be a portrait image in proportion to a 6"×4" portrait photograph. It should be taken in colour and must not have been beautified with image filters.
在线注册需要上传护照大小的照片,大小不超过1 MB的jpg文件。6英寸×4英寸的人像照片,彩色,不能用滤镜美化。

Your student ID card will be provided to you by your department during Welcome Week. Please be aware that you will not receive this smart card during Welcome Week if you do not upload your image online by 4 September 2020.

Replacement cards

If your student ID card no longer works or has been damaged, or if you have changed your personal or programme details, you should call into the Student Administration Centre (SAC) to request a new one. Please ensure that you bring your existing card with you. Your replacement card will be produced free of charge.

If your card has been reported to the Police as stolen, please also call into the SAC to request a replacement, bringing with you a copy of your Police Crime Report paperwork. Your card will be produced free of charge.

If your card has been lost, a fee of £5 is charged for the production of a replacement card. You are requested to use our online payment service.

Note: Replacement cards will be available for you to collect seven working days after making the request. As a security measure, you are requested to collect your card in person at the SAC.

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