
2018-10-25  本文已影响0人  mollyliu

sway本意是“摇摆、摇晃”(及物动词),可以闭上双眼想象,用一只手从左到右摇摆,感受一下sway这个词,通常引申为“影响、是动摇”,英英释义“to influence someone so that they change their opinion”,因此很多时候可以用来替换 influence 和 impact,但sway的影响程度更高

① 我们经常说的“别让情绪左右了你”,即为: Don’t be swayed by your emotions.

② 现在很多西方国家的民众都受到民粹主义政客的摆布,就可以说:

Across much of the West, people are swayed by populist politicians.(populist 就是“民粹主义”)   

③ 《经济学人》中有一篇关于 Facebook 对美国竞选影响的文章,里面正好先后出现了 sway 和 influence。原文第一句过长,在此有删改:

People wonder whether some content and ads shown to each user could be biased and help sway political attitudes. Could Facebook influence the outcome of this presidential election? 



\bullet  People tend to be swayed by commercials and purchase lots of things that are unnecessary. \bullet  People are often swayed by advertisements and buy lots of things that they do not necessarily need.

People always purchase lots of things that are unnecessary under the sway of advertisements.


造句:The lawyers say the decisions of many courts are easily swayed by corruption and a lack of political. 

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