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《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十七集

□《绝望的主妇》第一季 第十七集Desperate Housewives S01E17

□《绝望主妇》前情提要Previously on Desperate


□警方给我看了你的刑事档案  你杀过人The police showed me your rap

  sheet. You killed a man.

□想听听事情的真相吗  无所谓了Want to hear what happened? It

  doesn't matter.

□我再也不会相信你说的话了I will never believe anything

  you say ever again.

□不期而至的来客Unexpected visitors...

□她对你不忠  我觉得是She's cheating on you? I think


□我来搞定  谢谢妈妈I'll take care of it. Thank you,


□导致了从未预料的后果...lead to unexpected


□安德鲁  你差点杀了个人Andrew, you almost killed

  another human being.

□她活得够久了She's lived her life.

□我还有大好的前程I have my whole life ahead of me

□现在却要被这种事搞砸and now it might be screwed up.

□在圣心医院的昏迷病房里In the coma ward at Sacred Heart


□刚过午夜美梦就开始了the dreams begin just after


□夜色的黑幕被栩栩如生的梦境替代The pitch black of night gives

  way to vivid images

□让梦里的人们安睡到天明that comfort the dreamer until

  the morning.

□格斯  管理员Gus, the custodian,

□梦想着有朝一日中个大奖dreams of some day winning the


□好摆脱他费力不讨好的工作and quitting his thankless job.

□霍华德  保安Howard, the security guard,

□期待着热带小岛奢华的退休生活envisions a luxurious retirement

  in the tropics.

□露丝·安  夜班护士Ruth Ann, the night nurse,

□幻想着摆脱她的丈夫fantasizes about leaving her


□不过最丰富多彩的梦境But the most vivid dreams of all

□属于312病房的病人belong to the patient in room


□没错  胡安妮塔·索利斯Yes, Juanita Solis had been

□已经连续做了五个月的梦dreaming steadily for five



□是她发现的那个惊人的秘密of the shocking secret she had


□有时  是那场Other times, she dreamt of the


□导致她住进医院的车祸that had put her in the


□但她最常梦见的But her most common dream

□是她最终把真相告诉了儿子was the one in which she finally told her son the truth.

□这天晚上And then one night,

□胡安妮塔·索利斯决定  是时候Juanita solis decided it was


□醒来了...to wake up.

□有人吗Is anybody here?

□我要给我儿子打电话I have to call my son!

□即使她知道自己的时间不多了Even though she knew she was

  about to die,

□胡安妮塔也不在乎Juanita didn't care.

□她相信真相终将大白The truth was finally going to

  come out.

□告诉我儿子她老婆对他不忠Tell my son his wife is cheating

  on him.

□上帝啊Oh, my god!

□可怜的胡安妮塔  只可惜Sadly for Juanita, this was one


□这个梦永远都不会成真了that would never come true.

□我们因为不同缘由而崇拜英雄We all honor heroes for

  different reasons.

□有时因为他们的勇气Sometimes for their bravery,

□有时因为他们的魄力sometimes for their daring,

□有时因为他们的善良sometimes for their goodness.

□但总的来说  我们崇拜英雄But mostly we honor heroes


□多多少少是因为at one point or another,

□我们都有被拯救的梦想we all dream of being rescued.

□苏珊  我知道你在 

  我们得谈谈Susan, I know you're in there.

  We have to talk.

□这太疯狂了This is crazy.

□我知道I know.

□警察说的都是真的  我确实杀了人Everything the cop said is true.

  I did kill somebody.

□不过有一件事他们没告诉你But there's one thing they

  didn't tell you.

□我是为你才杀的人  苏珊I killed for you, Susan.

□苏珊  如果我不能拥有你Susan, if I can't have you,

□别人也休想no one else can.

□住口Shut up.

□苏珊  你在家吗Susan, are you home?

□苏珊  你的车在这 

  我知道你在家Susan? Your car's here. I know

  you're in there.

□我希望我们能谈一谈I was hoping we could talk for a


□苏珊  或许你该等我走了再拿Susan, maybe you should have

  waited till I left to do that.

□我知道你现在不想见到我I know you don't want to see me

  right now

□但我欠你一个解释but I owe you an explanation,

□我都写在信里了and it's all in there,

□包括你想了解的我的过去everything you ever wanted to

  know about my past,

□我那么做的原因my reasons for doing what I did.

□通通都在信上It's all there.

□伙计们  拜托 

  你们在干什么Guys, come on. What are you


□就是聚聚  侃侃大山You know, just bonding,

  discussing current events...

□说真的  你要是停在街对面Seriously, if you'd just parked

  across the street

□我也就不管你了I could have let you go.

□你假装我们在对面不就结了Why don't you just pretend like

  we did?

□下车Get out of the car.

□看着Get this.

□停车Stop the car! Hey! Hey!

□真不敢相信I can't believe it.

□只差两个月就毕业了  居然还开除他Two months from graduation and

  he's expelled.


  就该谢天谢地了We are just lucky that security guard did not press charges.

□那我们要怎么做So what are we going to do?

□我很高兴你问到这个Well, I'm glad that you asked.

□这是什么What are these?

□一些少年感化中心的传单Brochures for youth detention


□你准备这东西多久了How long have you had these?

□它们在抽屉里躺了几个月They've been in the drawer a few


□我预感我们会用到它们I had a feeling we might need them.

□布里  我不明白Bree... I don't know.

□我们得承认我们需要帮助We have to admit that we need


□既然我们不能管教好安德鲁If we can't get through to


□那就需要别人来管好他we need someone who can.

□你真打算把我们的儿子You really want to send our son


□送去那种囚犯集中营吗to some prison camp?

□先别激动Don't be so dramatic.

□其实有些地方看起来挺有趣的Some of these places actually

  look fun.

□看这个  赫尼西训练营Look. Camp Hennessy.

□在夏令营的气氛中教导孩子们 Teaches kids

  respect for authority and boundaries

□学会循规蹈矩"in a summer camp


□围墙上配有电网The perimeter is surrounded by

  an electrified fence.

□不得不承认那是个教导他们You have to admit that's an

  efficient way

□循规蹈矩的有效方法to teach respect for boundaries.

□好吧  那这个呢Ok, how about this one?

□太适合安德鲁了It's perfect for Andrew.

□蒙大拿的一个牧场It's a ranch in Montana.

□那里空气新鲜  幅员辽阔It has lots of fresh air and

  plenty of open spaces,

□日常课程是愤怒控制and daily classes on anger


□我不喜欢这个I'm not comfortable with this.

□好吧  这个怎么样All right, how about this one?

□它在沙漠里  非常合情合理It's in the desert and it's very


□兵营有点荒凉The barracks are a little bit


□不过再犯率为零but that recidivism rate is to

  die for.

□布里  我不会这么干Bree, I'm not doing it.

□我不会把我儿子送走I'm not sending my son away.

□你觉得无所谓  是吗It's easy for you, isn't it?

□他既没有粗鲁地对待你You're not the one he's rude to,

□也没有天天忤逆你the one he challenges every day.

□他讨厌的也不是你You're not the one he hates.

□我会跟他谈谈  可以了吗I'll talk to him. All right?

□我会和他促膝长谈I'll sit him down for a little

  oldfashioned hearttoheart.

□你想谈就谈吧You talk to him all you want.

□我去看看那些带电网的地方I'm gonna check out the place

  with the electrified fence.

□仔细听  我的孩子  你会听到Listen, my children, and you shall hear

□保罗·维尔的午夜狂奔of the midnight ride of Paul


□提着灯笼在北边教堂塔楼hang a lantern aloft in the

  belfry arch

□在那高高的灯塔拱门下of the north church tower

□一盏来自陆地one if by land,

□两盏来自海上[指英军进攻方式]two if by sea

□而我就会在海的对岸and I on the opposite shore will


□我想向你母亲自我介绍一下Hi, I wanted to introduce myself to your mom.

□我是勒奈特·斯加沃I'm Lynette Scavo.

□勒奈特  我是爱丽莎·史蒂文斯Hi, Lynette. I'm Alisa Stevens.

□抱歉  我还以为...Oh, I'm sorry! I thought...

□我能读唇I read lips.

□大部分时间  手语更容易点A lot of the time, signing is

  just easier.

□我不喜欢误解别人  或被人误解I don't like to misunderstand,

  or to be misunderstood.

□我是莉莉  见到你很高兴And I'm Lily. Hi, nice to meet you.

□妈妈Hi, mom!

□那是我儿子  马特That's my son, Matt.

□我家的双胞胎总是提到马特My twins talk about Matt all the


□我们应该举办一个孩子们的表演日We should set up a play date.

□好主意Sounds great.

□然后一起吃饭  太好了Let's have dinner too. I'd love


□英国佬来啦  驾  驾The British are coming! Giddyup! Giddyup!

□或者  还是我们大人聚聚就好Even better, let's just keep it


□宝贝  他们服软了Babe, they blinked.

□我们抓住了他们的小辫子We got them by the short hairs.

□谁  谁服软了Who? Who blinked?

□地方检察官  我刚跟律师们谈过了The da. I just spoke with the


□他们提供了份认罪协议  是好事吗They offered a plea bargain. And

  that's good?

□那意味着他们知道自己理亏It means they know they got a weak case.

□他们觉得自己赢不了They don't think they can win.

□都结束了  天哪It's over. Oh, my god!

□那意味着我们能保住房子了That means we can keep the


□不  我们还是得卖掉房子No, we still have to sell the


□我得付律师费I gotta pay the lawyers.

□你说他们提供了一份认罪协议You said they offered a plea


□没错  可我们不会接受Yeah, but we're not gonna take that.

□把我放下来Put me down.

□亲爱的  不卖房子的话Honey, it would mean

□我就要去蹲8个月的监狱了me going to jail for eight


□鉴于你确实罪有应得I think that's pretty


□我觉得这很合理considering you're guilty as


□你本来同意卖房子的You said you were fine with


□那是在我知道蹲一阵子监狱Before I knew we could trade

□就能保住它之前a couple of months in prison to

  keep it.


□不是  我是她儿媳No, this is her daughterinlaw.

□是医院打来的吗  是不是妈妈Is it the hospital? Is it mama?

□谢谢你  好Uh, thank you. Yes.


□我很遗憾  卡洛斯I'm sorry, Carlos.

□有的人凭当世之事断人Some believe people are judged

  by the way they live life,

□有的人则凭身后之事断人and others by the way they leave


□我喜欢这种带金叶的莱克星顿红木I like the lexington mahogany

  with gold leaf.

□里面是粉红色的天鹅绒和垂幔It has a pink velvet interior

  and drapes,

□还有手工雕刻的面板  万一洪水或地震plus it's handengraved so in

  case of a flood or earthquake,

□他们至少能辨别出哪个棺材里是她they'll at least know which one

  is hers.

□你不觉得夸张了点吗Don't you think that's a little over the top?

□妈妈就要最好的Only the best for mama.

□这些殡仪馆就是要制造一种假象These funeral homes make a


□好说服人们心甘情愿多花钱trying to convince people to


□你在说什么What are you saying?

□你母亲很通情达理I'm saying your mother was a

  sensible woman.

□她不会喜欢这些花里胡哨没用的装饰She wouldn't be comfortable with

  bells and whistles.

□这个吧  木质面板Maybe this one. Wood veneer.

□干嘛  你从没喜欢过妈妈What? You never liked mama.

□要喜欢一个对你恨之入骨的人很难It's awfully hard to like

  someone who actively hates your guts.

□她一向认为你屈尊娶了我She always thought you married

  beneath you

□而且毫不避讳让我知道and let me know it.

□她爱你She loved you.

□她待我如垃圾She treated me like trash!

□上帝  让她的灵魂安息God rest her soul.

□我在筹备我母亲的葬礼I'm putting my mother in the


□现在不是斤斤计较的时候Now is not the time to pinch


□卡洛斯  我们现在手头很紧Carlos, we're not exactly flush

  with cash right now.

□她的出身不怎么样  应该归真反璞Let her be true to her roots.

  She was born humble.

□当时她连鞋都没得穿And barefoot.

□她是个女王She was a queen.

□那么  麦克把信给你时怎么说So what did Mike say when he gave you the letter?

□这封信能解释一切That it explains everything.

□能解释吗Does it?

□我还没看过I haven't read it.

□干嘛不看Why the hell not?

□我做不到I just can't.

□你比我强You're a better woman than me.

□是我的话早就迫不及待把信拆了I'd have ripped it open with my teeth.

□你难道不好奇他写了什么吗Aren't you dying to know what he


□好奇啊  要只是一堆编凑的废话呢Yes. But what if it's just a

  bunch of farfetched stories?

□你就该那么假设Well, you should assume that it



□想想男人被抓个现行时都何等擅长说谎Think how good men are at lying

  on the spot.

□何况时间充裕  又是写下来的God forbid you should give them

  time and a pen.

□伊迪  有空来一下工地好吗Edie, you mind stopping by the site?

□我准备好主浴室的设计图了I've blueprints of the master


□好的  我马上就来 

  比尔Oh, I'll see you in a few, Bill.

□他是我新找的包工头  我们在约会It's my new contractor. We're

  sort of dating.

□你好像说过不会把生意和找乐子混为一谈Didn't you once say you never

  mix business with pleasure?

□不  我是说不把找乐子跟承诺混为一谈No, I said never mix pleasure

  with commitment.


□苏珊  你打算怎么处理这封信So Susan, what are you gonna do with the letter?

□看在上帝面上  你能不能现在就打开And for Pete's sake, would you

  open it up already?

□不  我做不到No. No, I won't.

□我再也不相信麦克了  如果失去了信任I don't trust Mike any more and

  without trust...

□不了  我打算回去No, no. I'm just gonna go in

□把信撕了扔进垃圾桶and rip it up and throw it in

  the trash.

□何不现在就把它撕了  不不Why don't we rip it up now? No,

  no, no.

□不用了  我不想  你知道 

  垃圾嘛That's ok. I don't wanna... You know, litter.

□她肯定会打开看的She is so opening that letter.

□当卡洛斯忙着安排他母亲的葬礼事宜时While Carlos was making

  arrangements to bury his mother,

□加布丽尔却在努力确保Gabrielle was making sure

□自己的秘密也能一并埋掉she'd be taking her secret to

  the grave.

□我是加布丽尔·索利斯Hi, I'm Gabrielle Solis.

□你是海瑟护士吗You're nurse... Hisel?

□是的  你一说你要来Yes. Hi. Um... When you called and said you were coming down,

□我就把胡安妮塔住院期间I collected all the personal

  things your husband brought in

□你丈夫带来的东西都收好了during Juanita's stay with us.

□你是为这事来的吧I assume that's why you're

  stopping by?

□你真周到  不过 

  其实不是Oh, that's so thoughtful of you

  but, actually, no.


□不是  我丈夫和我No, you see my husband and I

□还不是很清楚still don't have a clear account

□胡安妮塔是怎么去世的as to how Juanita passed.


□她是在睡梦中平静地死去的吗Yes, did she die quietly, in her


□是的  通常是会这样Um, yeah, that's usually how it


□我的意思是  我非常确定是这样的I mean, I'm pretty sure that's

  how it happened.

□非常确定吗Pretty sure?

□我是说  我不是很清楚I mean, I don't know exactly

□因为当时我不在她身边because I wasn't with her at

  that time.

□有谁在她身边Was anyone with her?

□比如  值班的助手护士An orderly, candy striper...


□没有  就她自己No. She was alone.

□非常感谢  那正是我想知道的Thank you so much. That's all I

  needed to hear.

□索利斯太太Oh, Mrs. Solis.

□把它扔了吧Oh, you can just toss that.

□完了  麻烦大了Great! Just great.

□我想这是你的I think this is yours.

□没错  我一直在找它 

  谢啦Yeah. Yeah, I've been looking

  for this one. Thanks.

□我想你可能不知道我在哪找到它的I don't suppose you have any

  idea where I found it?

□这些小东西通常喜欢光的脚丫以及车胎Those little suckers are drawn

  to bare feet and car tires.

□既然你没跛  也没流血Since you're not limping or bleeding...

□这只能暂时撑一下This is only temporary.

□你得把这轮胎送去修理You're going to need to take

  this tire and get it fixed.

□谢谢  我会的 

  真的  这不太安全Thanks, I will. Seriously, it's

  not safe.

□你只能开20或30英里You'll probably only get 20 or

  30 miles out of it.

□好吧  我保证会去修的All right, I promise.

□话说  我打算休息一会儿 

  吃个午餐Hey, listen. I'm about to break

  for lunch.

□你愿意和我一起去吗  午餐How would you like to join me? Lunch?

□是的  午餐Yeah, lunch.

□你是在约我吗Are you asking me out on a date?

□说约会的话有点正式了That sounds kinda formal

□只是去吃玉米煎饼  喝点汽水而已for a burrito and a can of soda,

□不过  算是吧 

  我是在约你but...Yeah, I guess I am.

□你不是在跟伊迪约会吗Aren't you dating Edie?

□我们出去过一次  算不上约会We went out on a date. We're not dating.

□怎么样So how about it?

□我来买单I'm buying.

□我刚跟麦克分手I just got out of this

  relationship with this guy, Mike.

□这有点复杂It's kind of complicated.

□总之  我还没准备好开始约会Anyway, I'm just not even sure

  where I am right now, emotionally.

□现在感情上一团乱麻I'm all jumbled up.

□现在我并不适合I don't think I can leap right into something new,

□开始一段新恋情relationshipwise, at the moment.

□再次声明  只不过是玉米煎饼Again, just a burrito.

□对不起  好 

  我明白I'm sorry. Ok, I understand.

□看来你需要时间反思和疗伤Sounds like you need time to

  reflect and heal.

□是的  我确实需要 

  好吧I do, I really do. Ok.

□我明天再来约你I'll check back with you again


□这真美味This is so... delicious.

□带着四个孩子  你居然能做出这么多菜I don't know how you find the

  time, with four kids.

□只有初次拜访的客人才有这样的待遇Only for firsttime guests.

□通常  我们只有Normally, you'd be having

□鸡爪和卡通状通心粉chicken fingers and

  cartoonshaped macaroni.

□要是那样的话  别说了If that. Hey, shut up.

□汤姆  你在做广告是吧Tom, you're in advertising,


□我在西门斯科特公司干了五年I worked five years at Simon and Scott.

□我一开始就是在西门斯科特公司工作的Well, I started at Simon and


□我讨厌那些家伙I hated those guys.

□我们得谈谈  没错We have to talk. Yes...

□你认识那儿什么人吗Who do you know there now?

□现在完了It's all over now.

□他俩要聊上一整晚的广告了They'll be talking shop for the

  rest of the night.

□艾丽莎就喜欢谈她自己Alisa loves talking about Alisa.

□是啊  勒奈特也喜欢谈自己Well, Lynette loves talking

  about Lynette too.

□我一点也不信I don't believe that for a


□你和你丈夫看起来感情非常好You and your husband seem pretty


□我们目前有点不顺We're going through some tough


□正在做婚姻咨询We're... in counseling.

□是吗  要不要再来点牛排Oh, really? More steak?

□是她的主意It's her idea.

□那一小时可真难熬It's not the most pleasant way

  to spend an hour.

□基本上我都是在看着钟Basically, I look at the clock

□而她就在那儿指责我一无是处and she blames me for


□我觉得你不该当着艾丽莎的面说这些I don't think you should be

  talking about Alisa with her...


□没事  反正她也听不见It's ok, it's not like she can


□也许我该再吃点土豆什么的Maybe I will have some more of that, uh, potato stuff.

□他真的那样说吗  当着她的面He actually said those things,

  with her sitting right there?

□真恶心  而且他还不肯闭嘴It was really nasty, and he

  wouldn't shut up, either.

□你居然还约了和他们一起打网球I can't believe you said we'd

  play tennis.

□当时我哪知道他那么混蛋  她人不错That was before I knew he was a

  jerk. She was great.

□瞧瞧她教了我什么Look what she taught me.

□意思是"我爱你"It means "I love you."

□很棒  我该怎么办呢Yeah, that's great. What am I gonna do?

□你什么意思  显然她需要知道真相What do you mean? Obviously she

  needs to be told.

□不  她不需要 

  这是他俩之间的事No, no, no, she doesn't. This is

  between Dennis and Alisa.

□我怎能坐视不管How can I ignore this?

□那叫什么话  "反正她也听不见"And I quote, "It's not like

  she can hear."

□勒奈特  这件事Lynette, you're starting to ramp


□你有点管得太宽了into that whole meddling thing

  you do.

□什么  让我来吧Excuse me? Let me just handle it.

□别把事闹大Let's avoid a big thing.

□你是说我处理不好吗Are you saying I can't be


□要是我们打网球时他又说那种话If he says something at tennis,

□我会把他拉到一边I will take him aside,

□坦率地告诉他  那样不好man to man, and say,

  "that's not cool."

□你的意思是我就处理不好这事儿Are you saying I'm not tactful?

□安德鲁  去倒一下垃圾Andrew, I need you to take out the trash.

□当然可以  现在就去 

  别磨蹭Sure. Now, not five hours from


□我这就去  上帝I'm going, I'm going. God...

□我今晚要和贾斯丁去商场Um, I'm meeting Justin at the

  mall tonight

□所以我需要40美元so I'm gonna need 40 bucks.


□什么  你的零花钱被取消了What? You no longer get an


□行  垃圾我不倒了Fine. I'm not taking out the trash.


□你准备怎样  折磨我吗What are you gonna do? Torture


□继续  我能承受Go ahead, I can take it.

□我想要的  我一直追求的What I want, what I have always


□无非就是让你快乐is for you to be happy.

□可你还是不快乐  我不知道怎么帮你了And you're not, and I have no

  idea how to help you.

□你可以从别挡着我的路开始Well, you could start by getting out of the way.

□我不会走的  我们现在得谈谈I will not. We're gonna talk

  about this now.

□我说了  别挡着我I said, get out of the way.

□下次你再这样对你妈妈The next time you touch your


□我就把你从这里扔下去I'll throw you through this


□明白吗You understand me?

□伊迪  等等 

  我想问你点事Oh, Edie, wait up. I wanna ask

  you something.

□我不能停下来  要保持心跳速率I can't stop. I gotta keep my heart rate up.

□你会不会介意  我跟比尔约会I was just wondering how you'd

  feel if I went out with Bill.

□什么  比尔约我出去What? Bill asked me out.

□比尔  我的比尔吗Bill? My Bill?

□瞧  问题就在这Well, see, that's the thing.

□他没觉得他是你的He doesn't think of himself as

  your Bill.

□他说那约会就是一次性的He said that date was just a

  onetime thing.

□我会知道  是因为他约我时Which I know, because when he asked me out

□我对他说我认为你们在交往I told him I thought you guys

  were involved.

□你还没同意和他约会吗So you haven't agreed to go out

  with him?

□没有  我想先问过你再说No, I wanted to check with you


□你可真好Wow, that's nice of you.

□那么  可以吗 

  不行So, can I? No.

□伊迪  伊迪 

  为什么我不能和他约会Edie! Edie, why can't I go out

  with him?

□因为是我先遇到他的Because I saw him first.

□这说法有点站不住脚啊That's a really thirdgrade thing

  to say.

□你问我的意见  我说了不行You asked my permission, I said


□到此为止That should be the end of it.

□好吧Well, you know.

□严格来说  我根本不需要你的准许Technically, I don't need your


□我真的很想喜欢你You know, I so much wanna like


□可你偏不让我这么做but you just won't let me.


□苏珊  我试着忽略你的缺点Susan, you know...I try. I try

  to look past your flaws.

□你的笨拙  还有那...Your klutziness. That... that...

□故作柔弱的姿态  还有你的头发...faux vulnerability. Your


□可你却总能找到方法来惹火我But you look for ways to push my


□他只是想请我吃玉米煎饼He just wants to buy me a


□苏珊  拜托你  别让我讨厌你Susan, please. Let me like you.

□好吧  我不和他出去了Ok. I won't go out with him.

□显然你对他有好感I mean, obviously, you have

  feelings for him.

□不  我没有 

  真没有No, I don't. I really don't.

□那这算什么So what, then?

□如果你不能和他一起  别人也不能吗If you can't have him, nobody


□对嘛  这才是朋友该有的想法See? Now you're thinking like a


□听听这歌声What a voice.

□这种事一定要交给天主教来做You have to hand it to the


□他们的默哀仪式比谁都做得好They do grief better than


□那匹马和那辆车多少钱How much did that horse and

  buggy set us back?

□你有意见吗  变穷 

  有意见Do you mind? Being poor? A


□牧师  看前面Eyes front, padre.

□伊迪也太不可理喻了I can't believe Edie.

□又不是世上所有的男人都归她所有She doesn't have dibs on every man on the planet.

□如果我想和比尔约会  我就应该去If I wanna go out with Bill, I

  should be able to.

□我以为你根本就不喜欢他  她也是I thought you weren't even into

  him. Neither is she.

□如果她不喜欢他  为什么不准我喜欢他If she's not into him, why can't

  I not be into him?

□我现在要默哀了I'm gonna mourn now.

□怎么了What's going on?

□怎么慢下来了  因为我们快到了Why are we slowing down? Because

  we're almost there.

□那是什么东西What is that?!

□原来的主人The family who owned it

□付不起保养费couldn't afford the maintenance


□我拿了很高的折扣I got an amazing deal.

□土窖  你竟然给你妈买了个土窖A crypt? You bought your mother

  a crypt?!

□小声点  别丢人现眼Quiet! You're making a scene.

□够了  我才不要去参加这样的葬礼Oh, that's it. I cannot be a

  part of this.

□我做不到  加布丽尔I can't do it. Gabrielle!

□别孩子气了Stop acting like a child!

□我们该跟着他们走吗Are we supposed to be following


□我不知道  也许这是仪式之一呢I don't know. Maybe it's part of

  the ritual.

□卡洛斯  你去死吧Go to hell, Carlos!

□好了  大家还是跟着遗体走吧All right, people, we're going

  to follow the body.

□请走这边  跟上来This way, please. Come along!

□这太过分了This is too much.

□我同意卖掉房子的唯一理由The only reason I agreed to give

  up the house

□是我以为我会有一个小而精致的公寓because I thought I'd get a

  gorgeous little apartment.

□可现在我连那样的房子都没有了Now I won't even get that.

□你要我怎么做What do you want me to do?

□去认罪  什么Take the plea. What?

□你犯的罪  为什么要我来承受恶果You did the crime. Why should I

  pay the price?

□面对现实吧  鼓起勇气去服刑Just suck it up, be a man and do the time.

□加布  你太荒唐了 

  是吗Gaby, you're being ridiculous.

  Am I?

□我只想得到你给你死去的妈同等的尊重All I want is the same respect

  you gave your dead mother.

□加布  别这样Gaby, please...!

□至少她还有个遮风挡雨的屋顶At least she's gonna have a roof

  over her head.

□15分平Fifteen all.

□这球算界内吗Oh, was that in?

□好球Nice try.

□爱丽莎  你是聋了又不是瞎了Alisa, you're deaf, not blind.

□这球差一点就出界了It was a close call.

□你这也算在教训他That's telling him.

□我只是在等时机I'm waiting for my moment.

□你觉得她球打得烂You think her tennis stinks?

□那你更该尝尝她煮的饭You should try her cooking.

□15比30Fifteen thirty.


□我该提醒你  我的网球技术I should have mentioned that my


□远在我的厨艺之上is much better than my cooking.

□太好玩了  你打得真好That was fun. You play really


□谢谢你Thank you.

□省省吧  她连球都发不过网Gimme a break. She serves

  underhand, for god's sake.

□你到底哪根筋不对  你说什么What's your problem? Excuse me?

□你那还有没有瓶装水Hey, do you have any bottled

  water over there?

□我一出汗  身体里的电解质就会紊乱My electrolytes get all wacky

  when I sweat.

□她是你的妻子She's your wife.

□你怎么能这么说她呢How can you talk about her like


□让我来告诉你那满脸假笑的Let me tell you what St Alisa is


□圣女爱丽莎的真面目吧with that phony smile on her


□丹尼斯  快点走Move your ass, Dennis.

□丹尼斯  你腰间的肥肉真多啊Nice love handles, Dennis.

□丹尼斯  你该换一种除臭剂了Try switching deodorant, Dennis.

□够了  如果你对妻子有所不满Enough. If you've got issues

  with your wife,

□告诉她tell her.

□我们正在做婚姻咨询We're in counseling.

□如果你必须向一个陌生人发泄不满It's not working too well

□那说明你们的咨询并没有起作用if you have to unload on a perfect stranger, is it?

□要是你婚姻不幸福If you're unhappy in your


□别整天抱怨  做点别的事去do something instead of just


□因为坦白说  我根本不想知道Cause, frankly, I don't want to

  hear it.

□我们换搭档吧Let's trade partners.

□好  太好了Sure. Great!


□我和你一组I'll play with you.

□你还没把车送修You did not take this in.

□这轮胎一时半会还不会破This should hold,

□可你一定要修好它but you've got to take it in.

□谢谢你  我知道 

  我会的Thank you. I know. I'm going to.

□这现在是我的头等大事了It's on the top of my list.

□这活儿真累That was hard work.

□你要不要喝点水Would you like a glass of water

□也许能借此机会进来和我聊天and maybe an excuse to come in

  and talk to me?

□听起来不错啊Sounds great.

□那么  到时间了So... It's tomorrow.

□我说过今天再来约你的I told you I'd check back in on

  that date.

□比尔  我有苦衷Bill, um... I have my reasons.

□是因为我长得太丑了Am I... hideous?

□当然不是Oh, god, no!

□不是  你英俊潇洒 

  玉树临风No, you are just so incredibly

  not hideous.

□我该说  谢谢吧Thank you... I think.

□也许是"约会"这词有点吓到我吧See, maybe it's the word

  "date" that's throwing me off.

□我只是想一起出去消磨时光Look, I just want to have some


□吃点东西  喝上一杯you know? Dinner, drinks...

□没有任何约束No strings attached.

□好吧  我会和你共进晚餐Ok, I'll go out with you.

□太好了  我知道离这里较远的地方Great. I know this little place

□有一家雅致的小餐厅  你一定会喜欢的out of the way. You're gonna

  love it.

□你在干吗What are you doing?

□为你列张紧急事件电话单Making an emergency list for


□万一屋顶漏水或者跳电了So you'll know who to call in

  case the roof leaks,

□你就知道该打给谁or the power goes out...


□我决定接受认罪协议I'm taking the plea bargain.

□这样你就有屋顶遮风挡雨了So you can keep the house.

□出于对我母亲的尊重  我将她风光大葬When I buried my mother, I did

  it with respect,

□我并不后悔我付出去的一分一毛and I don't regret a single


□但是  是我让咱们陷入这两难的境地But I got us into the position

  we are in

□当我犯罪的那一刻起and the moment I did,

□我就不再尊重你了I stopped respecting you.

□而且这么做是不对的  你好勇敢And that's not right. You're so


□我这么做  是有条件的It's not without strings.

□我要你向我保证I need you to promise

□我出狱之后  你还会在我身边you're gonna be here when I get


□你这是什么话That's a ridiculous thing to


□我哪儿也不会去I'm not going anywhere.

□我还要你保证And I need you to promise

□在我服刑期间  你必须对我忠诚that you'll be faithful while

  I'm gone.

□那当然了Yeah. Of course.

□加布丽尔  我不是傻瓜Gabrielle, I'm no fool.

□你是个美丽的女人You're a beautiful woman

□我知道你有一定的需求and I understand you have needs.

□但我是个忌妒心极强占有欲极重的男人But I'm a very jealous and

  possessive man.

□我希望听到你亲口向我保证And I need to hear you say it.

□我保证I promise.

□好吧  既然这样Ok, then.

□明天一早我们就去见律师Tomorrow morning, we'll go and

  see the lawyers.

□我爱你I love you.

□我也爱你I love you too.

□我希望你能说到做到And just so you know, I'm gonna

  hold you to that promise.

□发生什么事了  奶奶死了吗What's going on? Did grandma die?

□没有  她很好 

  安德鲁  听着Uh, no, she's fine. Listen,


□宝贝  我们都清楚Sweetheart, it's been clear to


□这段时间你一直郁郁寡欢for some time now that you've

  been unhappy.

□那些出位的行为  抽大麻 

  打架All this acting out. The pot

  smoking, the violence...

□这不像你It just isn't you.

□我们认为你需要些时间And we feel that you need to

  spend some quality time

□来认真思考你的人生目标thinking about the goals in your life

□你将来到底想成为怎样的人and what kind of person you want

  to be.

□你们到底在说什么What the hell are you talking


□有个叫赫尼西的训练营There's this place called Camp


□是专为像你这种迷途的It's designed for teenagers like

□青少年设计的yourself who've lost their way.

□你在开玩笑吧You gotta be kidding.

□他们注重行为管制和责任承担They emphasize discipline and responsibility,

□两样你非常需要的东西two things you're sorely in need


□你只需要在那呆几个星期You'll only be there more than a

  few weeks.

□别再说了You can stop this now.

□我不去这种少年犯才去的愚蠢训练营I'm not going to a stupid camp

  for juvenile delinquents.

□我们好了We're ready.

□亲爱的  对不起 

  你没得选Sorry, honey, you don't have a


□放开我  放轻松Get your hands off of me! Take it easy!

□安德鲁  别白费力气了Andrew, Andrew, it's no use


□这两位先生会帮你穿好衣服These gentlemen will help you


□然后送你去集中营and drive you to the camp.

□接下来就交给我们吧  等等We can take it from here. Wait,


□妈妈  等等 

  求你  我知错了Mom, wait! Please, I'm sorry...

□亲爱的  我保证一切都会没事的Honey, it's gonna be ok, I


□这肯定是你的主意  你...This was your idea. Why, you...!

□别这样Stop it.

□宝贝  无论你说什么做什么Honey, no matter what you say or


□我都会爱你I will always love you.

□我们走吧  来吧Let's go. Come on.

□为什么抱我What's that for?

□感谢你陪在我身边For being here.

□感谢你支持我度过这些事For standing by me through this.

□雷克斯  这对我意义重大You don't know what it means to

  me, Rex.

□我已经有很长一段时间It's been a long time

□身边没有真正值得托付的伴侣since I felt like I had a real


□你在这儿真的帮了我许多And it really helps,

□特别是在这样一个可怕的早晨especially on a horrible morning

  like this.

□爱丽莎  莉莉 

  你们好吗Hey, Alisa. Hey, Lily. How are

  you guys?

□我能和你谈谈吗May I speak to you, please?

□当然可以  孩子们 

  给Oh, sure. Boys, here.

□乖乖呆在这儿Stay right there.

□好的  妈妈Yes, mom.

□你怎么样了  丹尼斯离开我了So how are you? Dennis left me.


□丹尼斯离开我了Dennis left me!


□你教唆他的  白痴You told him to, you moron!

□什么  你对我们的婚姻指手画脚I'm sorry? You talked about our


□关你什么事  别说了It's none of your business.


□我听不明白  你得慢点说I can't understand you. You're

  gonna have to talk slower.

□丹尼斯说你骂他  因为他说我坏话Dennis said you yelled at him

  for saying stuff behind my back.

□算是吧Well, yeah.

□还说你告诉他我俩的婚姻咨询不管用And he said you told him our counseling wasn't working.

□对  但这不是我的意思Yes, that's not exactly what


□你到底怎么想的Where the hell do you come off

□告诉他停止咨询telling him we are stop to going

  to conseling?

□我没说过...  虽然说I didn't mean... Sure,

□我俩经济上  感情上和性生活上We have our share of problems,


□都有问题emotional, sexual.

□但都在朝好的方向发展啊But we were solving them.

□爱丽莎  过来Alisa, come here.

□你确定要Are you sure you wanna be...

□当着你女儿的面说这事吗saying these things in front of

  your daughter?

□现在你又开始教我怎么教育孩子了Now you're telling me how to

  raise my daughter?!

□莉莉  我们继续说Lily, we're coming back.

□爱丽莎  不好意思给你添麻烦了Listen, Alisa, I am so sorry if

  I caused a problem.

□我不过想帮忙I just wanted to help.

□为什么  你有什么目的Why? Why did you want to help?

□因为  因为我是个聋子吗Well, because... Oh, because I

  was deaf?

□不  因为你丈夫完全是个混蛋No. Because your husband was

  being a total jerk.

□所以你就骑着白马And you've just gotta come in on

  your white horse

□来拯救我了吗and come to the rescue.

□真不巧  我不需要救世主 

  明白吗Well, guess what? I didn't need

  to be rescued. Got that?

□不需要I didn't need to be rescued.


□她说Uh, she said...

□谢谢  我听见了Yes, thank you. I know what she

  just said.

□前一秒我俩还在车里打得火热One minute we're making out in

  his truck, and next thing I know

□下一秒就有个医生在帮他拔子弹we're at the hospital and the

  doctor's digging a bullet out of him.

□我和麦克刚约会的时候It's just that when I started

  dating Mike,

□他就跟普通人没两样he seemed like such a normal guy, you know?

□男人都会伪装  来点玉米饼吗They always do. You wanna get

  some nachos?

□我肯定不会去看信的I mean obviously, I am not going

  to read the letter.

□因为我得想开点  对吗At some point, you've just gotta

  let it go, right?


□我们不放胡椒行吗Mind if we leave off the


□我不爱吃辣I'm not good with spicy things.


  这事太复杂了I don't mean to babble. It's complicated.

□你对麦克还太不了解And there is so much about Mike

  you don't even know.

□要是如此的话  那我真是吃惊了That would surprise me at this



□你老板说你在和一个小可爱约会Your foreman said you were on a

  date with a hottie.

□看来他的眼睛肯定有毛病Evidently, someone needs lasik.

□你跟踪我们  轻而易举You tracked us down? It wasn't


□只要跟着背叛者的味道就好I just followed the stench of betrayal.

□我们说好的  苏珊 

  不  没有We had an agreement, Susan. No,

  we didn't.

□是你让我觉得内疚了我才告诉你的I said what you wanted to hear

  because you guilted me into it.

□我是在保护我们濒临崩溃的友谊I was trying to protect our

  already fragile friendship.

□我是不是惹到麻烦了  没有Am I in the middle of something

  here? Not any more.

□你  我会记恨一辈子的You, I will hate forever.

□而你  被开除了And you are fired.


□因为我和苏珊约会你就要开除我You're firing me for going out

  with Susan?

□没错  跟她约会有你好受的Yes. And before you start


□所以也别抱怨了that dating her is punishment


□省省力气Save it.

□我想我得告诉她是你自己送上门的I suppose I could tell her you

  threw yourself at me.

□是你寂寞了来求我陪你吃饭You were lonely, begged to have


□我不过是可怜你罢了I took pity on you.

□不好意思  你好像在暗示这是我的错Well, excuse me, but that kinda

  makes it sound like it was my fault.

□这事不怪我  又不是我解雇了你You can't possibly blame me. I'm

  not the one who fired you.

□没错  但你没有告诉我Right. You just chose not to

  tell me

□和你约会能让伊迪发疯Edie would be insanely mad if I

  went out with you.

□慢点  你开太快了Slow down. You're driving too


□这是你和伊迪之间的事You know. This is between you

  and Edie.

□我不过被牵连进来了I just got sucked into the drama.

□你真是自欺欺人Yeah. I bet you say that to

  yourself all the time.

□这话什么意思What does that mean?

□你不是被牵连的  你就是罪魁祸首You didn't get sucked into the

  drama. You invited it in.

□乱说That's not true.

□你花了一个小时唠叨你前男友的事You've spent an hour obsessing

  over your exboyfriend,

□即便他是掐死你邻居的嫌犯even though he's an excon who

  very possibly strangled your neighbor.

□不  他没有No, he didn't.

□伊迪还警告你不要和我约会And Edie told you not to go out

  with me,

□你听了吗  没有but did you listen? No.

□你明明知道会有麻烦Because you saw the potential

  for disaster

□还偏偏要去做and couldn't resist getting in


□好啊  花花公子 



□是你追的我  所以认了吧 

  朋友you chased me, so own it, my


□你根本没修轮胎  是吧You didn't get that tire fixed, did you?

□我本来要修的I was meaning to.

□看来我真是罪魁祸首I guess I do invite the drama


□某种程度上Just a little.

□汤姆  我是坏人吗Tom, am I a bad person?

□不是啊  干嘛这么说No. Why would you say that?

□我也说不好  只是在我的观念里I don't know. I guess I just

  have it in my head

□只有坏人才破坏人家的婚姻that only bad people break up marriages

□同时还冒犯弱势群体and offend the handicapped.

□我警告过你的  是啊I did try to warn you. You did.

□我干嘛做这傻事Why do I do it?

□真是太自不量力了This compulsion to stick my nose

  where it doesn't belong.

□亲爱的  你只是想帮她Honey, you were just looking out

  for your friend.

□确实帮了她不少A lot of good it did her.

□至少你尽力了  这点让我佩服At least you tried. I admire you for that.

□算了Oh, please.

□都是因为我不愿意吵架Hey, I'm the guy who let Dennis

  badmouth his wife

□才纵容丹尼斯说他老婆的坏话because I was afraid of making a


□你觉得那样不对  就给了他点颜色看看You knew it was wrong and you

  let him have it.

□我就是这样  总是自找麻烦That's me. I'm never afraid to

  create a scene.

□亲爱的  我想说Hey, honey, look. My point is,

□你的正义感很强you have a strong sense of what is right

□总是路见不平  拔刀相助and you're not afraid to act on


□我很佩服你这点And I admire you for that.

□你知道我佩服你什么吗You know what I admire you for?

□你总换着花样来安慰我You find a way to compliment me


□尽管你可以说  "我早告诉你了"you could say, "I told you


□这是"我早告诉你了”的手语  对吧You just signed "I told you

  so," didn't you?

□不告诉你You'll never prove it.

□感谢你能来  索利斯夫人Thanks for coming in, Mrs.


□你见过海瑟护士了吧I believe you've met nurse


□是啊  高兴再见到你Yes. Hello. Again.

□海瑟护士和你婆婆有某种特殊的联系Nurse Hisel became quite

  attached to your motherinlaw.

□所以我把她也叫来了That's why I asked her to be

  here for this.

□首先  我想澄清一点First, I want you to understand


□我们一直信守对病人的承诺we consider our commitment to our patients a sacred trust.


□因此说Having said that, it appears


□或许  我是说或许there may, and I stress may,

□我们对病人的关怀有些不到位have been a breakdown in our

  chain of care.

□但我敢保证我们的员工I can assure you we hold our

  staff to

□都是行业里素质最高的the highest standards in the


□不过我们也是人But we are only human after all.

□亲爱的  你还好吧Honey, are you ok?

□海瑟护士  请你出去一下好吗Nurse Hisel, why don't you step


□真的很抱歉I'm so sorry.

□你的遭遇我们感同身受We all share in your grief.


□为了减轻您家人由此而生的悲痛And we're hoping to alleviate

  any further pain your family may suffer

□我们会尽可能提供by offering some...

□经济补偿...monetary compensation.

□当然  你和丈夫可以保留进一步Provided you and your husband

  waive any

□诉诸法律的权利future right to litigation, of


□经济补偿Monetary compensation?

□你想收买我们吗You're trying to buy us off?

□我们不想闹到法庭上去Let's not get tangled up in


□我们可以把它理解成我们关怀的延续We like to think of it as an extension of our caring.

□这样的话  我收下你的关怀Well, in that case, care away.

□哈特利先生Mr. Hartley,

□我有个假设性的法律问题想请教你I have a hypothetical legal

  question for you.

□我想买乐透  而且我I like to play the lottery and


□是啊  我知道中奖率不大Yes, I know what the odds are

□但就是喜欢那种刮刮乐的东西but I just love those


□假设我中了  差不多Say I were to win, I don't know,

□一百六十万a million, six hundred thousand


□政府也能没收这些钱吗Would the government be able to

  take it like they took everything else?

□我就是这么想的  那些混蛋That's what I thought. The


□那我要是在卡洛斯入狱之后中奖呢So what if we won the lottery

  after Carlos went to jail?

□政府还有权利碰那些钱吗  只是假设Could the government touch the

  money then? Hypothetically.

□明白了I see.

□而且我们还能留下这房子And we could keep the house.

□不  我刚才还在杂货店里迟疑Oh, no, I'm just at the grocery


□考虑是不是该买一张wondering if I should buy a


□太谢谢了  哈特利先生Thanks a bunch, Mr. Hartley.

□明天我应该什么时候So what time should I bring


□带卡洛斯去见检察官to the DA's office tomorrow?


□我们因为不同缘由而崇拜英雄We all honor heroes for different reasons.

□有时因为他们的魄力Sometimes for their daring.

□有时因为他们的勇气Sometimes for their bravery.

□有时因为他们的善良Sometimes for their goodness.

□我爱你I love you.

□但总的来说  我们崇拜英雄But mostly, we honor heroes

□多多少少是因为because at one point or another,

□我们也梦想被救赎we all dream of being rescued.

□当然Of course,

□如果真正的英雄不出现if the right hero doesn't come


□那么  我们就得自我救赎sometimes, we just have to

  rescue ourselves.


