
2024-01-07  本文已影响0人  痴眠不读一行书

1.I want you to always, always,always pay attention to yourself first.永远把自己放在第一位。

2.Every star in the universe, we were going to see them all.我们要一起看遍宇宙繁星。

3.I'm not concerned to the past,only the future.我不关心过去,只着眼于未来。

4.We live and learn.活到老,学到老。

5.Freedom is about being yourself.坚持自我,方获自由。

6.Everything has a price.凡事皆有代价。

7.We can venture into the blackest night and shine a light on the darkness.走进黑暗的夜晚,并投下一束光。

8.Winter is coming.冬天来了。

9.You sail the high seas. You where nobody goes.你应遨游瀚海,征服无人之境。

10.Life is full of sunshine and rainbows.生活中充满阳光和彩虹。

11.My life is my life, my choices.我的人生,由我选择。

12.Make your own way.闯出自己的一片天。

13.A friend is a second self.朋友是另一个自己。

14.Every cloud has a silver lining.黑暗中总有一丝光明。

15.Elegance is a journey.飞启优雅之旅。

16.Goodness comes from within.善意源自内心。

17.We write our own story.人生由自己书写。

18.It's always darkest before the dawn.黎明前总是最黑暗的。

19.Muse is everywhere.灵感无处不在。

20.No one can cage a man who truly wants to be free.没人能关住一个真心想获得自由的人。

21.You're part of my life.你是我生命的一部分。22.Do what comes naturally.顺其自然。

23.Fate strikes when you least expect it.意想不到之时,命运悄然而至。

24.I made a wish on a star, and the star answered me.我对着一颗星星许了个愿,那颗星星回应了我 。

25.I live in the present, not in the past.我活在当下,绝不眷恋过去。

26.Look on the bright side.凡事多往好处想。

27.You stand as everything that is precious.


28.It's now or never.机不可失,失不再来。

29.The clouds aren't hurting the sky.They were temporary.乌云无法遮蔽天空,只能暂时停留。

30.You deserve to be heard.你的声音,值得被听见。


