Essay71 Mar12, 2017 Great Women

2017-03-12  本文已影响0人  hongwang

I read Franca's an essay about women in the afternoon. I had a little feeling, so wrote the essay. Women are great, cause women can make ordinary life become out of the common. Women who before married, girls are same as boys,  no different. Maybe girls are very weak, but after they married, women  will become strong. If you give her a house,  she will give you a warm home. If you give her a bunch  of ingredient, she will show you a delicious meal. If you give her a smile , she will give you her heart. If you give her a hug, she  will give you her while world. When a girl becomes a mother, she is not only a mom,  and also is  a teacher, a doctor, a singer, a painter, a chef.... Women's abilities are infinite, don't ignore women's abilities. So look from the piont, Women like magicians. Women are supper men. Women are  great.

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