
2019-05-16  本文已影响0人  ripple_k





ReactorKit is a combination of Flux and Reactive Programming. The user actions and the view states are delivered to each layer via observable streams. These streams are unidirectional: the view can only emit actions and the reactor can only emit states.



A View displays data. A view controller and a cell are treated as a view. The view binds user inputs to the action stream and binds the view states to each UI component. There's no business logic in a view layer. A view just defines how to map the action stream and the state stream.

To define a view, just have an existing class conform a protocol named View. Then your class will have a property named reactor automatically. This property is typically set outside of the view.

class ProfileViewController: UIViewController, View {
 var disposeBag = DisposeBag()

profileViewController.reactor = UserViewReactor() // inject reactor

When the reactor property has changed, bind(reactor:) gets called. Implement this method to define the bindings of an action stream and a state stream.

func bind(reactor: ProfileViewReactor) {
  // action (View -> Reactor)
  refreshButton.rx.tap.map { Reactor.Action.refresh }
    .bind(to: reactor.action)
    .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)

  // state (Reactor -> View)
  reactor.state.map { $0.isFollowing }
    .bind(to: followButton.rx.isSelected)
    .disposed(by: self.disposeBag)


A Reactor is an UI-independent layer which manages the state of a view. The foremost role of a reactor is to separate control flow from a view. Every view has its corresponding reactor and delegates all logic to its reactor. A reactor has no dependency to a view, so it can be easily tested.

Conform to the Reactor protocol to define a reactor. This protocol requires three types to be defined: Action, Mutation and State. It also requires a property named initialState.

class ProfileViewReactor: Reactor {
  // represent user actions
  enum Action {
    case refreshFollowingStatus(Int)
    case follow(Int)

 // represent state changes
  enum Mutation {
    case setFollowing(Bool)

 // represents the current view state
  struct State {
    var isFollowing: Bool = false

 let initialState: State = State()

An Action represents a user interaction and State represents a view state. Mutation is a bridge between Action and State. A reactor converts the action stream to the state stream in two steps: mutate() and reduce().

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