R.I.P Mr. Robert Oldham
Dear Mr. Robert Oldham
I know you came to see me in a spiritual way at that time. You suddenly came up to my mind and I terribly missed you, then I opened Facebook (it's kind of hard to use FB since I'm in China.) to ask Jessica about you. She told me that you had been in bed in a hospital, and......
After I left the U.S. you've wrote me several times, but I've wrote you less than you had. I was lazy, and I stupidly believed that I can reach you any time I want. It took so long time to respond you, I felt sorry for that and I didn't know how to start a sentence of the letter. I even thought that you were mad at me for that. But Jessica told me that you asked her about me and you even said that you proud of me in the bed when you about to leave.
It's too late to respond. I know, and now I don't know where should I send this letter. But I know you can see this.
Mr. Robert, you know my grandpa is also there, he went there bit earlier than you, or you've already met him? I hope you two become a friend up there even though my grandpa doesn't know any English.
OK, I won't say sorry, you don't like that do you? Just let me say I LOVE YOU Mr. Robert. and I miss you so much......
Thank you for your big love. When you come to see me, just let me feel, I can find you Mr. Robert.
God bless you