
2017-12-21  本文已影响0人  119杨金华
1. title:college is Not an Ivory Tower ,

top sentence: University locks in the freedom of the youth, to break free, only to sleep in the dream of my heart

sup-topic:the university is a holy people to communicate knowledge here we learn how to be independent

sup-topic:the university is also facing pressure, higher fees from parents demand too much stress

conclusion:the university is not ivory tower,you should  try your best to work hard for dream

2. title:why I like to learn English

top sentence:English Can broaden our horizon

sup-Sentence:English let me understand foreign culture

sup-sentence :English let me make some friends Who like English

conclusion:l like  English ,because it bring me  many interests and let me learn many foreign culture

3 .title:similarities and differences in the way your father ahd mother show their love for children.

top sentence:it is different for father and mother  to show their love for children

sup topic :when you have trouble with sth ,your mother can help you but your father  can let you solve on your own.

conclusion:theway of  love of father  and mother for children is different,mother is direct,father is indirect

4 .title :if you had been given a wish to change your life ,what personality trait do you would like to have?

top sentence :I want get other people's approval

sup sentence : l would like to learn better

sup sentence:l woule like to be  interest in science

conclusion:l want to be a perfect people

5 .title :causes of the current decline in moral values

top sentence:  now people can feel the old man's point  is out of date and can't keep up with rythum.

sup sentence :the rapid  development  of society keeps the old people from the real society and children are too busy working not to look after them

sup sentence :the old people are also stuck to the  old ideas and  have on long-terms view

conclusion:we should teach the old people use advanced tools and communicate with the old.

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