2020-04-28 开始慢功夫学英语

2020-04-28  本文已影响0人  自践不息的喵喵大猫





elementary lesson

016 two friends in a car


a: hurry up ,get in.
b: i'm in, let's go
a: OK, make a left here, no wait, i meant make a right here. Come on, speed up.
b: what's your problem? Geeze, what's the rush?
a: Don't worry about it, just drive. Oh, no ,the light is about to change. step on it.
b: are you nuts?i'm not going to run a red light
a: whatever. just turn right here. the freeway would be packed at this hour let's take a side street. Go on! get out of my way.
b: what's your problem! Geez, having a fit is not going to help!
a: here ,i know a short cut, just go down here, and we'll cut thrugh ashbum heights let's go let's go. watch out that lady.
b: i'm going as fast as i can
a: yes, we made it. 5:58, just before library closes.
b: you are such a geek.

language take away 5 words
1. step on it : drive faster, you might also say: speed up
2. speed up: faster, slow down
3. having a fit: example 1: geeze ,you don't need to have a fit, it's just five minutes late. means: very angry, can't control your emotion. 中文对照:发脾气。
4. cut through: you cut through sth, go through. let's cut through the park. 穿过,包含抄近道的意思。
5. short cut: common word, means take a short way . 近路,小路。

put it together 3 phrases as native speaker
1. make a left, make a right , turn left or turn right, make a u turn;
2. are you nuts? are you crazy? are you insane? are you mad? if some have an idea you don't agree.
3. let's take a side street. let's take the high way, let's take the freeway. 在英语中,走什么路用take

freeway: freeway是真正意义上的高速公路。就是全封闭型的高速公路, freeway除多车道、快车速,多数情况下免费,而且对开车流用草地或土堤绝对分开,有时车e799bee5baa6e58685e5aeb931333431366339辆行驶中看不到对开车,路旁有安全、监测车速及防噪音设施。highway n.公路;大路 highway 也指高速公路,但主要是指大道,干道,一般不封闭.
高速路拥堵: the freeway would be packed or congested.

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