CLT---communicative language Tea

这是一堂理论课,首先用scaffolding (搭手架)的方式,来给大家介绍一些terminology术语:
第一层是方式 【approach】,例如CLT--Communicative Language Teaching; CCA---cognitive approach;AOA---aural-oral approach;lexical approach
定义为:Approach---Theory of language and how languages are learnt
第二层是每一种方式下延展的 方法【method】,例如CLT教学中 常用方法是TBL ---task based learning。还有常见的方法为 PPP---present,practice,produce; TTT--- test, teach, test; OHE---observe, hypothesize, experiment
定义为:Method---A set of procedures for teaching and learning. An overall scheme for delivering and presenting.
第三层是每一种方法中的具体步骤【procedures/stages】,例如 pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading 等等。
定义为:Procedure---A set of techniques used in a particular order to achieve a certain lesson aim.
第四层是每个步骤里应用的教学技巧和活动【techniques/activities】,例如brainstorming, controlled practice 等等。
定义为:What the teacher actually does in the classroom
Teachers select techniques from various approches according to the different needs of their learners. Most coursebooks mix methods and techniques in this way.教师根据学生的具体需要,从理论出发,选择不同的方式方法来教授学生。大多数教科书融合了各种方法与技巧。那么要想把教学比喻成看病的过程,就要掌握类似本草纲目的一系列理论支撑。
今天我们重点介绍的是CLT--Communicative Language Learning ,这是二语习得方面最流行也最使用的一种学习方式,也是我们常说的,学会一种语言是为了与人沟通,那么了解一些概念,可以帮助我们在课堂教学的设计中有纲可循。
第一是概念【notions】: 包括time, sequence, quantity, location
第二是功能【fuctions】: 包括 requests, denails, offers, compaints
值得一提的是,英语教学在国外也有大纲,syllabus,Theresa 给我们介绍了现在英国主要使用的三种大纲
•Functional/notional (developed by Council of Europe)---List of situations
•‘The Threshold Level of English’---(Alexander 1980)
•‘Communicative Syllabus’---(Yaldon1983)
长春市英语大纲最后附录了很多话题,而 1998年 Van EK 和 Trim编写的英语入门级大纲,可能也会给我们很多启示。

Canale 在1983 年提出,交际能力communicative competence 包括四方面:
grammatical competence, socioculture competence, discourse competence, strategic competence
1.grammatival competence---producing a strutured comprehensible utterance
2.sociocultural competence---knowing how to respond and use language appropriately dependent on social situations , the topic and the relationships between the people communicating .
3.discourse competence ---shaping language (from the sentence level up to the text ) and communicating purposefully in different genres (text types ) using cohesion and coherence
4.strategic competence ---enhancing the effectiveness of communication ,compensating for breakdowns in communication (working around 'gaps 'in knowledge .
使用CLT 教学三大原则
The communication principle ---activities that involve real communication promote learning
Task Principle---activities in which language is used for carrying meaningful tasks promote learning
Meaningfulness Principle ---language that is meaningful to the learner supports the learning process .