单细胞转录组数据分析课件||11.Spatial transcr
- 把生物学引向单细胞层面的一个关键思路就是给每个细胞加标签(barcode),那么如何给每个细胞的位置加上标签呢(barcode)?
- 没有突变只有渐变的世界。就像微流控技术启发于流式细胞术一样,空间转录组的位置信息也不是凭空得来的,已经成熟的荧光原位杂交(Fluorescent in situ Hybridization ,FISH)技术就是我们的启发。
- 荧光原位杂交技术是一种重要的非放射性原位杂交技术,原理是利用报告分子(如生物素、地高辛等)标记核酸探针,然后将探针与染色体或DNA纤维切片上的靶DNA杂交,若两者同源互补,即可形成靶DNA与核酸探针的杂交体。此时可利用该报告分子与荧光素标记的特异亲和素之间的免疫化学反应,经荧光检测体系在镜下对待DNA进行定性、定量或相对定位分析。
- 介绍了osmFISH技术、slide-seq
- 真正的挑战在于相对位置的获取,而不是数据分析,在数据分析方面就是在count矩阵的meta文件中多了几列坐标信息。
- 当然这几列坐标信息,也给生物细胞学带到了新的领域:细胞生态学。
This lecture by Lars Borm (Karolinska Institutet, Sweden) is part of the course "Single cell RNA-seq data analysis with R" (27.-29.5.2019). Please see https://www.csc.fi/web/training/-/scr... for the full course description and all the materials.
Our research focuses on single-cell biology, in particular applying single-cell expression analysis to discover the cell types and lineages of the mouse nervous system. The long-term goal of our research is to map the stable cellular states (‘cell types’) that mammalian organs are made of, and to understand the regulatory networks that induce and maintain them.
To achieve these goals, we have developed technologies for extremely sensitive and accurate detection of RNA in single cells. We use advanced molecular biology, large-scale DNA sequencing, microfluidics and imaging.