每日外刊新闻英语009 工作四天,休三天?有这样的好事?

2019-03-11  本文已影响0人  野人Vivian


本篇课程首发于2019年3月11日,节选自 The Scotsman




UK Considers Four-Day Workweek

① Work is increasingly consuming every aspect of our lives. From commuting to undertaking long hours and checking emails out of the office – it’s difficult to know when the working week starts and ends.

② In the UK, people work some of the longest hours in the EU and clock up around £32 billion worth of unpaid overtime – all whilst suffering the longest pay squeeze in 200 years.

③ They do so because there is a belief that working longer hours equals greater productivity.

④ But that is not necessarily the case. Some of the most productive economies in the world work far fewer hours than the average UK worker.

⑤ Take Germany for example; UK productivity is 26 per cent below that of Germany, and Germans spend far less time at work than the British. 

⑥  This is because worker productivity relies not just on the amount of hours put in, but on the well-being of staff and, as studies show, shorter working weeks can mean fewer sick days, fewer in-work accidents and mistakes, and higher worker motivation on the job. 

⑦ As a result of these recent studies, many UK companies are now looking at the feasibility of a four-day workweek. The Labour Party is also looking at the possibility of making this a future national policy.

⑧  What will the British do with their extra day off? Watch more Netflix of course!


consume /kənˈsju:m, kənˈsu:m/: vt. 消耗;消费

commute /kəˈmju:t/: vi. (搭乘车、船等)通勤

undertake /ˌʌndəˈteɪk, ˌʌndərˈteɪk/: vt. 从事;开始做

clock up: 赢得;达到

whilst /waɪlst/: conj. 同时;时时

rely on: 依赖于

feasibility /ˌfiːzəˈbɪləti/: n. 可行性;可能性


1. commute: to travel regularly some distance between work and home

She commutes to the office by train every day.


She commutes from Oxford to London every day.


· someone who commutes is a commuter

Thousands of commuters were delayed because of the bad weather.


The train was packed with commuters.


2. undertake: to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be quite difficult to do

The directors of the company have decided to undertake a risky solution.


The government will undertake serious measures to reduce crime.


3. clock up: to collect or achieve a large number of something

On the trip, we clocked up over 18,000 miles.


The team has clocked up three gold medals and two silver medals already this year.


4. pay squeeze: a period of time when wages do not increase at the same rate or the same percentage as other things

Property prices are increasing; the price of everyday goods is increasing; but salaries are not increasing at the same rate or the same percentage.

5. productivity: a measure of the efficiency of a person or machine, factory, system. We measure productivity by comparing inputs with outputs.

There are many different ways to measure productivity but a simple one is to measure all the hours that a person works (input), and then look at what the person produces in that time period(output).

A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.


The new software system has improved the company's productivity.


The management are looking for ways of improving productivity. 


6. to put in: to spend (time) especially on some occupations or jobs

I put in six hours overtime last week.


7. well-being: feeling healthy and happy

People who do yoga get a feeling of well-being.


8. feasibility=possibility

We're looking at the feasibility of building a new shopping centre.


Our IT engineers are investigating the feasibility of developing a new system.


The Labour Party is also looking at the feasibility of making this a future national policy.


▍ A few more facts

a. It's not a new idea.

In fact, in 1965 experts predicted that, with the arrival of computers, our working weeks would drastically reduce - perhaps even to just 20 hours a week - we are still waiting for this to happen.

b. Why do we have a five-day workweek? 

The five-day workweek is completely man-made.

No natural events occur every seven days.

In Europe about 3000 years ago, people believed there were seven planets in the universe, so they planned their days around the seven planets (now of course we know there are 8 planets). 

Employers and factory owners realised that you can't ask your workers to work seven days a week so they gave them a day off (Sunday – for religious reasons). Later only about 100 years ago, this was extended to two days, and that's our traditional 'weekend'.

c. Do any countries have a different system?

Netherlands / Holland: many people work only 29 hours a week (they can do that 29 hours in 3-4-5-6 days)

Germany as we know – many companies are using a four-day workweek / and many companies are reducing the weekly working hours.

d. advantages and disadvantages:


It helps to improve overall productivity.

It motivates employees to work harder.

A three-day weekend is a great idea.

It means less commuting.

People will have fewer health issues and improve a feeling of well-being.


Longer working hours – some companies might ask workers to work the same number of hours in four days instead of five.

A four-day workweek doesn't suit everyone and every business.

e. What do I think?

A 21-hour workweek would distribute work more evenly across the population, reducing both the problems of overwork and unemployment, creating a balance in the workforce.

Technology now allows people to work when and where they want, so do we actually need to set working times or to fix a workplace at all? Surely it would be better if our employers gave us assignments, tasks or projects and said 'you have one month to complete this work' - then we could choose when and where we do the work. Surely this is the most productive system – of course the problem is most people are really bad at time management so we would need to learn how to organise our own work time.

consume /kənˈsju:m, kənˈsu:m/

vt. 消耗;消费

commute  /kəˈmju:t/

vi. (搭乘车、船等)通勤

commute: to travel regularly a distance between work and home

She commutes to the office by train every day.


She commutes from Oxford to London every day.


· someone who commutes is a commuter

Thousands of commuters were delayed because of the bad weather.


The train was packed with commuters.


undertake  /ˌʌndəˈteɪk, ˌʌndərˈteɪk/

vt. 从事;开始做

undertake: to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long time or be quite difficult to do

The directors of the company have decided to undertake a risky solution.


The government will undertake serious measures to reduce crime.


clock up


clock up: to collect or achieve a large number of something

On the trip we clocked up over 18,000 miles.


The team has clocked up three gold medals and two silver medals this year.


whilst  /waɪlst/

conj. 同时;时时

pay squeeze


pay squeeze: a period of time when wages do not increase at the same rate or the same percentage as other things

Property prices are increasing; the price of everyday goods is increasing; but salaries are not increasing at the same rate or the same percentage.

productivity /ˌprɒdʌkˈtɪvəti, ˌproʊdəkˈtɪvəti/

n.  生产力;生产率

productivity: a measure of the efficiency of a person or machine, factory, system. We measure productivity by comparing inputs with outputs.

There are many ways to measure productivity but a simple one is to measure all the hours that a person works (input) then look at what the person produces in that time (output).

A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.


The new software system has improved the company's productivity.


The management are looking for ways of improving productivity.


rely on


rely on 


put in 


to put in: to spend (time) especially on some occupations or jobs

I put in six hours overtime last week.


feasibility /ˌfiːzəˈbɪləti/

n. 可行性;可能性


We're looking at the feasibility of building a shopping centre.


Our IT engineers are investigating the feasibility of developing a new system.


The Labour Party is also looking at the possibility of making this a future national policy.


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