1月晨读Day 6:原声与车祸现场

2019-01-14  本文已影响0人  自观问渠




1. 反馈和提问:真正的努力去做一件事,肯定会发现问题,想要解决问题。听原声是最好的反馈。It's worth it.  不断微调fine-tuning

2. 重读:句首不重读。例如:Do you listen to popular music?

3. 问题:yikes /jaɪks/;use your computer /ju:z/ 区别use to live /ju:s/; long  /lɒŋ/ 

4. 态度: Keep real.

5. 今日学:/w/和/h/

Wh-开头的问题一般用降调,询问新的信息。What's your name?

Wh-开头的问题特殊情况用声调,不确定听到的信息,要求对方重复一下What's your name?=Your name, again?

/h/不要用力,弱读,注意有时候发音的时候这个音会被省掉,如he, his ,him

如Was he hurt?


1. He was in a car accident. 连读练习用拉长音自然连接/ He had an accident on his way home from work. 

rear-end 追尾

2. Oh, no! What happened? /How did it happen?

3. 老公:husband   formal,hubby   informal

4. How awful! /ˈɔː.fəl/  Was he hurt?/ That's horrible!/ How horrible!

5. He was taken to the hospital in an ambulance. /ˈæm.bjə.ləns/ 

6. A vehicle hit him from behind. 

7. Poor  /pɔːr/ Hannah! She's exhausted.

He speaks broken English. 英语烂 不用poor

wipe out , burn out, be exhausted 累坏了

exhaust a subject穷尽

8. Is he still in the hospital? 住院 She's been at the hospital for hours. 在医院看护/等待(不是她病了) 

9. He was completely unharmed.   毫发未损intact,安然无恙 safe and sound 

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