The Office-S02E19

2020-04-11  本文已影响0人  carrie_yu


wave of the future. : an idea, product, or movement that is viewed as representing forces or a trend that will inevitably prevail.

calling card 电话卡

scheme 方案,阴谋

pyramid scheme 层压式推销

per se:by or in itself or themselves; intrinsically. "it is not these facts per se that are important"

sugar crash:The act of eating SO much Sugar, that the next day, you are completely drained of energy and say dumb things. Often acts like the effects of being drunk or high.

one of a kind. phrase. If you refer to someone or something as one of a kind, you mean that there is nobody or nothing else like them. [approval] She's a very unusual woman, one of a kind.

festivity 喜宴

be all over it. informal. to be very involved or interested in something: Anything to do with Buddhism and I'm all over it. If this drug was a magical cure, the drug companies would be all over it.

trick candle:These candles relight themselves 这种蜡烛被吹灭之后会自动复燃的,好神奇啊!我也是才知道还有这种蜡烛!!

strippergram:a surprise visit on a special occasion from a stripper who gives someone a message from that person's friends: They arranged a strippergram for Lauren's leaving party.

put her through 把她的电话转接进来

false hope:confident feelings about something that might not be true: I don't want to raise any false hopes, but I believe your son is still alive. Unreal things and unreality.

(somethingblows. rude slang (Something) is bad or terrible. Michael说My birthday blows,没人在签名板上签名

vaginal canal 

hoist up 举起来

8-foot Giant Sub 这里的sub是潜艇三明治 (Submarine sandwich)的缩写

damage: a sum of money claimed or awarded in compensation for a loss or an injury. "she was awarded $284,000 in damages"

urologist 泌尿科医师

pulverize 粉碎

baloney 一种香肠??

blow out the candles 吹蜡烛

I dare you to make an announcement. 我赌你不敢播广播(激将法的句式)

quick stalling ???

stall (厕所的)坑位

invasion of privacy 侵犯隐私

ticking time bags 定时炸弹??(不确定什么意思)

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