
双语书摘 | 《智慧进化简史》(1)

2023-11-03  本文已影响0人  巴里奥狮Barrios

The Credit Assignment Problem


Associative learning comes with another problem: When an animal gets food, there is never a single predictive cue beforehand but rather a whole swath of cues. If you pair a tap to the side of a slug with a shock, how does a slug’s brain know to associate only the tap with the shock and not the many other sensory stimuli that were present, such as the surrounding temperature, the texture of the ground, or the diverse chemicals floating around the seawater? In machine learning, this is “called the credit assignment problem: When something happens, what previous cue do you give credit for predicting it? The ancient bilaterian brain, which was capable of only the simplest forms of learning, employed four tricks to solve the credit assignment problem. These tricks were both crude and clever, and they became foundational mechanisms for how neurons make associations in all their bilaterian descendants.


The first trick used what are called eligibility traces. A slug will associate a tap with a subsequent shock only if the tap occurs one second before the shock. If the tap occurs two seconds or more before the shock, no association will be made. A stimulus like a tap creates a short eligibility trace that lasts for about a second. Only within this short time window can associations be made. This is clever, as it invokes a reasonable rule of thumb: stimuli that are useful for predicting things should occur right before the thing you are trying to predict.


The second trick was overshadowing. When animals have multiple predictive cues to use, their brains tend to pick the cues that are the strongest—strong cues overshadow weak cues. If a bright light and a weak odor are both present before an event, the bright light, not the weak odor, will be used as the predictive cue.


The third trick was latent inhibition—stimuli that animals regularly experienced in the past are inhibited from making future associations. In other words, frequent stimuli are flagged as irrelevant background noise. Latent inhibition is a clever way to ask, “What was different this time?” If a slug has experienced the current texture of the ground and the current temperature a thousand times but has never experienced a tap before, then the tap is far more likely to be used as a predictive cue.


The fourth and final trick for navigating the credit assignment problem was blocking. Once an animal has established an association between a predictive cue and a response, all further cues that overlap with the predictive cue are blocked from association with that response. If a slug has learned that a tap leads to shock, then a new texture, temperature, or chemical will be blocked from being associated with the shock. Blocking is a way to stick to one predictive cue and avoid redundant associations.


Eligibility traces, overshadowing, latent inhibition, and blocking are ubiquitous across Bilateria. Pavlov identified these in the conditional reflexes of his salivating dogs; they are found in the involuntary reflexes of humans; and they are seen in the associative learning of flatworms, nematodes, slugs, fish, lizards, birds, rats, and most every bilaterian in the animal kingdom. These tricks for navigating the credit assignment problem evolved as far back as the very first brains to make associative learning work.


“These tricks are hardly perfect. In some circumstances, the best predictive cue may occur one minute before the event, not one second before. In other circumstances, the best predictive cue may be the weak cue, not the strong one. Over time, brains evolved more sophisticated strategies for solving the credit assignment problem (stay tuned for breakthrough #2 and breakthrough #3). But the remnants of the first solutions—eligibility traces, overshadowing, latent inhibition, and blocking—still exist in modern brains. They are seen in our involuntary reflexes and in our most ancient brain circuits. Indeed, rats with their entire brains removed, with nothing left but their neural circuits in their spinal cord, still show latent inhibition, blocking, and overshadowing. Along with acquisition, extinction, spontaneous recovery, and reacquisition, this portfolio of tricks make up the foundation of the neural mechanisms of associative learning, mechanisms that are embedded deep into the inner workings of neurons, neural circuits, and brains themselves.

這些技巧並不完美。在某些情況下,最佳的預測提示可能出現在事件發生前一分鐘,而不是事件發生前一秒。在其他情況下,最好的預測線索可能是弱線索,而不是強線索。隨著時間的推移,大腦進化出了更複雜的策略來解決學分分配問題(請繼續專注於突破 #2 和突破 #3)。但第一個解決方案的殘餘——資格追蹤、強因至上、潛在抑制和噪音阻塞——仍然存在於現代大腦中。它們存在於我們的無意識反射和最古老的大腦迴路。事實上,整個大腦被切除的老鼠,除了脊髓中的神經迴路之外什麼都沒有留下,仍然表現出潛在的潛在抑制、噪音阻塞和強因至上。除了習得、消退、自發性恢復和重新習得之外,這一系列技巧構成了聯想學習的神經機制的基礎,這些機制深深地嵌入到神經元、神經迴路和大腦本身的內部運作中。

Excerpt From

A Brief History of Intelligence

Max Bennett

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