[Economist] 数据隐私:照猫画虎(完)

2018-05-20  本文已影响21人  Prongs

Data privacy : Copy that


Putting the personal into data

America need not adopt the GDPR wholesale. The legislation is far from perfect. At nearly100 articles long, it is too complex and tries to achieve too many things. The compliance costs for smaller firms, in particular, look burdensome. In addition, parts of the GDPR are out of step with America’s constitutional guarantee of free speech: a “right to be forgotten” of the kind that the new law enshrines will not fly.

美国并不需要全盘照搬 GDPR 的规定。GDPR 的立法者们并没有做到尽善尽美。这部法律有将近 100 个条文,为了实现诸多目标使得法律本身过于复杂。尤其是对于小公司而言,遵从法律的成本显得过于沉重。另外,GDPR 的某些部分和美国宪法原则中的言论自由并不一致,比如在法律中规定的”被遗忘权“就并不符合美国实际。

But these are arguments for using the GDPR as a template, not for ignoring the issue of data protection. If America continues on today’s path, it will fail to protect the privacy of its citizens and long-term health of its firms. America’s data economy has thrived so far with hardly any rules. That era is over.

但是这种争论也仅仅是基于在以 GDPR 作为模板时所可能产生的问题,并非是关于是否应当对数据进行保护这一问题本身。在当今时代如果美国仍然一意孤行的话,那么就无法保证其公民的隐私权以及其国内公司的长期健康发展。美国的数据经济因没有法律监管而获得了重大发展。但这样的时代已经过去了。

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