2017 英文阅读

Notes | D01-刻意练习-Peak: Purposefu

2017-08-11  本文已影响4人  f5cbc22a4a57

Reading Part @ Aug. 01, 2017

Ch 1: The Power of Purposeful Practice ( P1-14 )

Summary & Reflection:

今天阅读的是第一章的前半部分,作者通过亲自执导的数字记忆实验,以及各行业名人的成就,总结出:最有效和最强大的练习方式就是“刻意练习”(deliberate practice)。

但是,这个“刻意练习”并不是我们一般情况下理解的单纯的靠时间积累起来的“入门级练习”。以学打网球为例,我们先是购买装备,然后请教练或朋友教习,接着自己努力练习直到可以上场对打,再到之后的每一次打球都成了自然而然的动作,于是我们“学会了打网球”,并且对这种 “just enough” 的状态享受而满足。我们错误的以为只要我们继续这样打,那么我们就会越打越好。而作者正是在这里给了我们狠狠的一棒子,这是完全错误的想法!

Research has shown that, generally speaking, once a person reaches that level of “acceptable”performance and automaticity, the additional years of “practice”don’t lead to improvement.




Words and Expressions:

It was no suprise that he was running into a wall at numbers that were about eight or nine digits long.

run into a wall,用碰到墙来形象化“遇到困难,陷入困境”的意思,to start to experience a difficult or unpleasant situation. 例如,run into trouble/problems/difficulties.

例句:Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up.
仿造句:He always chooses to give up every time when he runs into a wall.

run into, 作为短语动词,后面可直接跟名词,run into somebody/something; 比较熟悉的意思是 to meet someone by chance,偶然遇见.

His performance was *dead-on8 average.

dead-on,形容词,accurate and to the point,常用作口语中,表示“非常精确地,准确的;很中肯的”,例如:dead-on analysis。原文中意思是“表现完全是正常的水平”。

例句:She was dead-on about what was going to happen.

Your improvement stalls.

stall, 动词,原文中表示 “进步停滞不前”。

stall, 作为 “可数名词” 还有下面两个常见的意思:

It was the same sort of performance you would expect from any random person picked off the street.

from any random person picked off the street,从街上随便找来的一个人,用词简单却又形象,可用于表达 “随机性”。

仿造句:It's too hasty to draw a conclusion based on surveys from some random people picked off the street.

8月英文原版读书会 图/Eric
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