Lyn: He can express his answers and tries to elaborate on them during the talk. He tends to use good vocabulary words, too. However, he leaves some dead air which will affect his fluency and sometimes he's running out of ideas to share too. He still needs to work more on his comprehension and vocabulary.
part 1 ( 4 - 5 min)
topic such as : studies, work, hobbies, interest, etc
- 尽量具体,详细,不要说 general word,也就是不要说得太宽泛。
- 大概 2 - 3 个 sentences
- 使用同义替换
- 不用过于正式
- 关于 PRES 方法,可以不用全部用上。
For instance, I perfer the evening, because i can do lot of wonderful things with my friends, including reading books, playing ganmes and watching movies.
Q: what did you do when you are a child?
A: in my childhood, we were not allowed to use our computer or watch TVshow, thus had not choice but to read books and finish our homework.
a night owl 一只夜猫子
i hit my creativity peak at around mid-night.
part2 ( 3 - 4 min)
- 根据个人的经历,讲故事
- prepare 的时候,要针对每一个问题,进行回答,不要乱序
- 紧随 points ,不需要过分的注重语法,不要刻意地使用不会的词汇。
Q: do something make me concentrate on study / work?
A: 听音乐是一个很好的activity 去让我 pay attention to my study, 尤其是舒缓的、慢慢的纯音乐. 我的宿舍有四个人,他们通常会打电话很大声,或者玩电脑游戏。然而这些噪音会使我不能keep my mind to deal with the problems。这个时候,我会带上我的耳机,开始播放音乐。然后音乐的声音会让easily loose my stress 并且 clear my mind to address the issue.我一直认为,音乐有一种不可思议的魔力,不仅仅能够隔绝噪音,还可以改变我的思维方式和情绪。所以,我认为学习的时候听歌是个不错的choice。
part3 ( 4 - 5 min)根据自己的part2的回答进行一个提问。考官会更注重这部分的回答。
- 和 part 1 是一样的但是需要更长的回答。
- 详细阐述, reason 或者是detail
- use some fillers to think
To be honest, I do not really know about it, but i would say...
that is a tough question for me, in myyyyy opinon / well / let me see I think...
Q: 有什么job是需要集中注意力的?
A: 我认为非常需要集中注意力的occupation是医生和程序员。例如一个医生在做手术的时候失误了,会给自己和患者造成极大的damage。程序员也是一个需要耐心的profession,我们要focus on代码的编写,上次,我少写了一个character,为了找到它,我浪费了一整个下午的时间。