哈佛幸福课(2) -- 为什么要学习积极心理学?
2016-11-15 本文已影响0人
- 积极心理学,要学会主动融入,并不是被动地接受信息,但是需要注意的是并不是所有的理论、观点都适用于你。(not everything is fit to you)
- 1967-2000所发表的各种有关心理学的学术论文中,其实消极研究与积极研究的占比是21:1。虽然客观事实表明人们的心理确实遇到了麻烦,但其实我们应该更多去研究积极的部分。越是关注的部分越有可能起作用。(We should study more that works, study more positive things. How did successful people, happy people do in their life, how do they think?)
- The key word -- resilience(心理弹性), how did those ordinary kids make extraordinary works ? (These could be taught and learned.)
- They are optimistic. When they failed, they think it would work out next time.
- They are some kind of idealist.(理想主义者)
- They focus on strength.
- They set goals and they are future-oriented.
- They have role model.(榜样)
- They did not blow alone and look for help from others. They admitted that they need help and social support. We should find the fit people to look for help.
- 健康本源学(Salutogenesis),study health,the new question is more important. 有时候一个新的问题往往会拓宽思路以及带来意想不到的效果。
- 专注不总是好事,we usually ask a specific question,这可能局限了我们的视野。我们可以专注于一个问题,但不能只有那一个问题,这样会看不见很多东西。其实很多东西就在那里,只是我们看不见而已。
- Question creates reality. We should pay more attention to the positive things.
- Appreciate yourself, appreciate the good things, not only for gratitude, but increase the value of the good things. When you take it for granted, even the good things depreciate.
- When you get into trouble, you should take action and take responsibility, then maybe you can gain confidence and make it work.
- 自尊的六大支柱其中一点就是自我负责,you must understand that no one is coming. No one is coming to help you, you are the only one to get you out of trouble.