Chapter 4 关于本章两处观点的进一步思考

2018-01-21  本文已影响0人  _红糖姜茶_

???先写一个疑问点 有句话不太理解 希望看懂的朋友能帮忙讲下它的结构和意思 (#^.^#)

Often they have to do with the emotions that we were taught were inappropriate growing up.


  作者在这一章把人的自我认知(self-awareness)划分为三个层次。1.情绪 2.分析出情绪产生原因的能力 3.个人价值观

  “this level, which takes constant questioning and effort, is incredibly difficult to reach”


A recent example from my own life:

“I feel anxious and angry when I can’t read the book quickly.”


“I have read an English book before and it’s more difficult than this one as Eric says. But I find my reading speed become slower than before.”

Why does “reading slower” make you anxious?

“Because I want to improve my English skills as fast as I can, but the statement makes me feel I can’t achieve my goal as I expect.”

Why does your lack of goal feel like a failure?

“because I think I should get in return after I have made my effort, if not, it turns out the things I did are of no value. ”


  不过这个理论对我而言不太实用。一来我觉得时间宝贵,花适量时间思考哲学问题即可;二来有些价值观即使想明白了也很难改变(比如想要趁年轻抓紧时间学习和成长,你现在跟我讲结果不重要重要的是过程我听不进去)。在自己有足够的执行力改变的时候,倒不如想想解决措施。如这个问题,我后来分析了下自己阅读速度变慢的原因,是1、kindle版不如纸质版方便标记,一时间没有形成阅读习惯。2、下载了anki之后特别喜欢用…但是整理记忆库是很费时间的。所以我开始用笔标注、除了重点词汇其他不用anki以后,就快起来了…= =

  此外,还有第二个地方我不太认同作者的观点——关于如何看待逆境的问题。乐观是没有错的,因为对事乐观才能维持一个比较平和的心态,这是好事。直面不幸的遭遇,产生压力大、焦虑、过度悲伤等情绪,才会引起健康问题。问题不是出在stay positive,而是无论乐观还是悲观,你能否从自己的经历中发现问题,然后调动执行力去解决它。




eg:In the closing months of 1944,after almost a decade of war,the tide was turning against Japan.

There’s no way we can process the tidal waves of information flowing past us constantly.



eg:Two things are operating here: a value that I hold dear, and a metric that I use to assess progress toward that value.


if you perceive something, you see, notice, or realize it, especially when it is not obvious.注意,察觉到

If you perceive someone or something as doing or being a particular thing, it is your opinion that they do this thing or that they are that thing  看做,认为

eg: Everything we think and feel about a situation ultimately comes back to how valuable we perceive it to be.

perception n.理解、看法

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