The Office-S02E15

2020-04-07  本文已影响0人  carrie_yu

have come a long way. phrase. If you say that someone or something has come a long way, you mean that they have developed, progressed, or become very successful. He has come a long way since the days he could only afford one meal a day.

within reason: if you use good judgment: You can say whatever you like, within reason.

lactation 哺乳期

If someone is on a roll, they are having great success which seems likely to continue. [informal] I made a name for myself and I was on a roll, I couldn't see anything going wrong.

assertiveness 自信

assertive 自信的

get on the same cycle 

wreak havoc on our plumbing : Put tampons/a ton a toilet paper in the toilet my guy

urinal 小便池

teem with:be full of or swarming with.

bowel 肠子

heads-up 提醒,警告

collar-blind 这里好好笑,是和color-blind的谐音

get under my skin:annoy or irritate someone intensely. “"it was the sheer effrontery of them that got under my skin"”

speed around:move along quickly

rag on each other:To nag, criticize, or berate one, especially at length.


par for the course:what is normal or expected in any given circumstances. "given the high standards of the food, the prices seem par for the course"

on the right track. COMMON If someone or something is on the right track, they are acting or developing in a way that is likely to be successful. We are finding that guests for lunch and dinner are returning in increasing numbers — a sure sign that we are on the right track.

above (or below or under) par:better (or worse) than is usual or expected. "poor nutrition can leave you feeling below par"

wiff:1a : a quick puff or slight gust especially of air, odor, gas, smoke, or spray. b : an inhalation of odor, gas, or smoke. c : a slight puffing or whistling sound. 2 : a slight trace or indication a whiff of scandal. 3 : strikeout.

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