
Bat Symbolism and Meaning蝙蝠的象征意义
If you’re seeking the wisdom of Bat Energy it’s a sign your higher-self is helping you sharpen your sense of ‘true seeing’.
Toquote the very-dearly-missed Ted Andrews(author of “Animal Speak” and many other wonderful books); “The bat is one of the most misunderstood animals.”
Because Bats come out at night they have long had emblematic ties to death and the underworld. When we look closer, however, we see that Bat (like all Mammals) lives inside the Mother’s womb from which it emerges, a symbolic renewal and new beginning. So much is the case that folk wisdom calls these creatures “Night’s Guardian”.
In nature,Bat is very nurturing, showing itself as socialized in its group. They have unique communication skills and stay close to family and young. While they might avoid humans, there is no lack of interaction among their own.
In fact, Bats are so “touchy-feely” with their own family, it could be said that these creatures of the night are actually “cuddly”.
Because of their warm, sweet nature Bat symbolism is a deeply soulful reminder that we should never judge a book by its cover.
To hunt, many species of Bat require echolocation. This is a very precise ability and gives Bat the meaning of uncovering the hidden and attunement to vibrational frequencies. Adding to their ability to find prey, Bat wings are well suited to simple movements – they are, in fact, structured a bit like our fingers spreading out to discover what’s hiding in the darkness of our lives.
In Shamanism Bat medicine ties directly with the Shaman’s ability to walk between the worlds. Bat represents both death and life, endings and beginnings. Flying with the Bat means trusting your psychic gifts and having confidence in yourself.
European stories associate Bat Spirit with magical creatures including witches and vampires, which at that time wasn’t a positive status. However the Bat as a familiar in modern times is far more positive, even representing good luck.
Bat Spirit Animal神圣动物蝙蝠
If Bat has made its presence known as your Spirit Animalbe ready for major transitions.
Bats are highly sensitive animals. Bat will urge you to keep all your senses on alert so that you gather the signs and omens the Universe is giving you.
As your Spirit Animal, Bat will help you strengthen your natural capacity to “see” with all 6 senses. If Bat keeps showing up in your awareness, take some time to clean and refine your taste, sight, touch, smell, hearing, and, of course, your clairvoyant or psychic abilities.
Note that while Bat can symbolize death, as a Spirit Animal,it does not have to be a literal death. Instead something may end – a job, a living space, a relationship or even outmoded thoughts about yourself and your role in the greater scheme of things. Bat is here to make this change as smooth as possible and ease you through any associated pain.
Bat Totem Animal蝙蝠图腾
Those born with a Bat Totem have uncanny perceptions. Don’t try to fool them with disguises – it won’t work. In fact, it will usually blow up in your face because Bat has no time for such deception.
Bats are super social animals. People who identify with Bat as their Totem Animal want to always be surrounded by family and friends with whom they can communicate honestly and openly – especially without others fearing their psychic sensitivities.
If you have a Bat Totem you are an excellent communicator who knows how to change the direction of a conversation when necessary and adapt on a dime.
When in a group you know how to be an active listener, giving everyone a voice. Because of this, you’ll likely have very few (if any) “emotional collisions” with others.
Your perceptions make you wise and diligent, often being the initiator of new things or the one who cleans up afterward.