2017-07-02 本文已影响0人
音频:0b,0a 重点0b Unit3
视频:0b U3.U4
游戏:Big bad bug
X:Chase that big bad bug(brother).Make it go away. Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!
M:Oh, a brother,a little bad brother. Your brother is coming towards you.Make it(him) go away.
X:Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!(小宝被折腾的开始哇哇哭,无奈至极)
At afternoon,go outside.She has been out mad for two hours.Her brother see her bike. He wants to ride.And I say:Sister, can I ride your car?X:Yes,you can.I sing the song:Riding on your bike,bumpty bump......