【Backup】20 principles of teachin

2016-03-10  本文已影响0人  璐璐松鼠

Principle 1. How do students think and learn?
Students who believe that intelligence can be enhanced and focus on learning goals are tend to challenge themselves in the tasks. Therefore, they get rid of easily from negative feedback and failure.
Different attributions the teachers assign to the students' performance can lead to different mind-set of the students. Attributions that blame lack of effort may lead to a growth view of intellegance, which is benefit to their task accomplishment and the attitudes towards the negative feedback and failure. (a lack of effort is unstable and controllable so that the students can try harder if they want to)
Attention! Teachers may inadvertently praise students when the task is moderately easy or unchanllenged for them. (they may spend a very short time to figuar out the answer to the question) It is problematic when the task becomes more difficualt and time-cosuming, because the inappropriately praise potentially encourages the student to associate speed and lack of effort with smartness. Hence, the teacher should always make sure that the praise is associated with effort the studetns put into a task and the successful strategies they use in the task but not their inherent ability or intellegence.

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