翻译“无论如何”,我能想到的的是whatever,原文用的是 At any rate.
used to say that a particular fact is true despite what has happened in the past or what may happen in the future
【rate】还可以做动词,~ sb/sth (as) sth| ~ as sth to have or think that sb/sth has a particular level of quality, value, etc
The university is highly rated for its research
The battle is definite. 但原文用了一个词组 draw a line,全句是 the battle lines between Google and Microsoft are now clearly drawn.
在词典里查了,draw a line 的意思没有完全和这个对上的,但总体上都是利用画一条线的本义来表达一个阶段的终结或新一阶段的起始。比如还有一个例句:
The government hopes the bank can help draw a line under the debt crisis.
本月月初,谷歌宣布,它正在开发一个名为Chrome OS的免费个人电脑操作系统,以此直接对抗微软和其处于统治地位的Windows操作系统。随着和雅虎合作协议的签订,微软正向谷歌的核心领域推进。
“直接对抗”如何翻译?我用的 directly battle
原文用了一个词组 mount a direct attack on
to organize and begin sth
”可能拖延数年” 可以用last,但语气上欠缺了点,原文用的 drag on.
At any rate, the battle lines between Google and Microsoft are now clearly drawn. Earlier this month, Google announced that it is developing a free operating system for personal computers called Chrome OS, thus mounting a direct attack on Microsoft and its dominant Windows operating system. With the Yahoo! deal, Microsoft is now pushing into Google's heartland. So the grand alliance between Microsoft and Yahoo! is part of an even bigger battle between the technology titans that is likely to drag on for years.