Part 1- 3句
1, She believed if you spare the rod, you spoil the child.
同时 有种我们中国古话 不打不成材 的感觉
2, The family would see me and invite me in.(介词)
3, It was a wonderful experience to have, but the downside was that it sheltered me from reality.
Part 2- 3词
1, give sb a leg up
原文: If you're black in South Africa, speaking English is the one thing that can give you a leg up.
在中文中我们常讲 助我一臂之力 而英文中则选用 give sb a leg up (不要忘记介词)
仿写:Learing English is a hard thing for me, but I do know it can give me a leg up in the future.
2, be well versed in
原文:As a naughty child, I was well versed in Xhosa threats.
be well versed in 是 be good at /do well in 的另一个版本的表达
值得一提的是单词 verse(n.)
1, Music
a set of lines that forms one part of a song, poem, or a book such as the Bible or the Quran
2, Literature
words arranged in the form of poetry
in versel
这个单词 给人的感觉就是整整齐齐,在音乐作品的韵律在诗歌中对仗
也不难理解 be well versed in 是擅于的意思了
3, no-man's-land
原文:I stood there awkwardly by myself in this no-man's-land in the middle of the playground.
例句: Smarter entrepreneurs are increasingly doing two things to make sure they don't get caught in "No Man's Land".
Part 3- 感想
惊讶于作者的外祖父母,因为作者的肤色而赋予他的种种“特权”,又庆幸于当时的作者并不知道真的原因。"Trevor doesn't get beaten because Trevor is Trevor." 也佩服于作者妈妈在当时的环境下游刃有余的掌握多种语言和不同的人进行沟通,也正是妈妈的智慧,作者也得益于不同语言的切换。这对作者之后的生活起到了巨大的帮助。Maybe I didn't look like you, but if I spoke like you, I was you. 在进入学校之后,作者已经切身感受到了color的影响,也做出了一些决定,到底下面会怎么继续发展呢,越来越期待后面的章节。