It Is Better To Make Meaning Tha

Sometimes I just wish that people don’t live on the same earth as animals. It’s just so so so sad that animals can’t live their own way of life. To fly when they want to fly. To walk when they want to walk. To eat when they want to eat and even to DIE when it’s their time to die.
It’s funny that every time I see a movie about animals, no matter what that is about, dogs, cats, horses, elephants, whatever, I will just cry my eyes out. I know it’s just those same typical tricks in the movies—evil people took the animals away or just the owners gave up their pets. Maybe it’s me thinking too much or trying to be a freakin’ Saint; or maybe it’s just people do not think deeper at all.
I wish I’m not gonna go to circus or zoo in the future and on the contrary, it was my childhood dream to go abroad and work as a volunteer in a nature park so that I can speak English all day long on the one hand and do something meaningful to those cute animals to help them get back the freedom they deserve on the other hand. I’m not saying that I want those people who work in the circus to lose their jobs, I’m just saying that people COULD BE at least a wheeee bit sympathetic so that human being and animals can live harmoniously.
I remember that someone quoted in the book which I’m recently going through , “ It is better to make meaning than to make money.” I guess I’ll just try harder to make some differences and make some meanings. Life’s just a long story...