
2019-01-27  本文已影响0人  星辰大海_ahank

总以为生命无尽,因此虚度光阴。act as if we are going to live forever.
我们总是忘记生命无常。意外也许就在明年。也许下个月,甚至明天 we forget there are no guarantees of next year,next mouth or even tomorrow.
我们也总是忘记时光荏苒。we forget even the longest of life.
再长的生命不过白驹过隙。flash by so fast.
所以你的人生千万不要为别人而活。you can t live your life for someone else. 你也不能让别人告诉你怎么过你的人生 and you cant let someone else tell you how to live you life.
甚至是你的亲人Even your family
事实是:THe trueh is
总有一天 你会认识到 生命是有限的。One day .itll be all over. 生命是你一生中最难以被保证的事情。It is one of the very few guarantees you have in your life. 有一天,一切都会结束Oneday itll be over
追逐我们的梦想 going after our dreams
告诉那些我们深爱的人 我们的真实感受 and telling those we love how we really feel
特别是我 再知道生命如此短暂以后。all the time knowing thow short life is specially,me
请给你的生活加上倒计时and live the day as if your days are numbered.
因为生命本身就是一场倒计时 because they are.
你越讨好他人 The more you try to please people.
他们就越能控制你 the more thery get control of you
他们就越能够控制你 the more they get control of you
而最终受到伤害的只有你自己 and you will end up hurting yourself.
醒醒吧 wake up
好好生活 live your life
用你的灵魂 为你的生命赞颂 and sing the song of your soul.


