文章:Athila4 of Arabidopsis and Calypso of Soybean Define a Lineage of Endogenous Plant Retroviruses
In our analysis of the A. thaliana genome sequence, we determined that Athila—a degenerate, centromere-associated retroelement (Pelissier et al. 1995, 1996; Copenhaver et al. 1999)—is a Ty3-gypsy group retrotransposon with an env-like ORF (Wright and Voytas 1998).
Athila 是一个中心粒相关的反转座原件,属于Ty3-gypsy反转座子。
"For most retroelements, the region adjacent to the 5′ LTR is complementary to a cellular tRNA and serves as the site for priming minus-strand DNA synthesis. The primer binding site (PBS) of Athila4 and Calypso is complementary to the 3′ end of the aspartic acid tRNA for the GAC codon from A. thaliana and soybean"