
2019-03-22  本文已影响11人  enjune310

He is the fox, coming across you unexpectedly on his way searching for food, without any idea that he may become your prey. He finds that all the sly tricks and smart strategies available for him before get lost all of a sudden. And he even fails to figure out what's there driving him approaching to your gun.

When you fall in love and you mean it, you may become real when you are with the other party, without any room for jugglery. And you may move toward it automatically knowing the potential harm it may bring about. If you are not ready for hazard or good at calculating, you are not probably in love.


The fox


前提 是你要先感受到一丝恶意


That's what you may detect as a prerequisite

具体 请闯入我森林


Please break into my forest

建议 是你别再玩弄那些小把戏

Suggest that you no longer

Play any kind of tricks like these

我的领地 需要你

I need you here

On my territory

都铜墙铁壁 那谁来负责表心意

Impregnable fortress of yours

How I could get to know how you feel

当猎枪响起 看看谁在回避

When the gunshot is done

Who's on the way of escaping let's see

我内心表现很积极 一路都能尾随你

I behave mentally positive

So I could follow your every pace

我尽量保持好距离 衷心让人看不起

I try my best to keep the distance

Afraid that you may ignore if I'm too sincere

世人太警惕 道听途说里 口碑轮不到狐狸

Human mind is too cautious

Rumor travels fast that foxes

Always go without honesty

可总是有人来不及证明 就已被看腻

But someone has made themselves boring

Before he could prove that he's the one Meant to be

怀里 温度太低感受不到我善意

In my arms

It's so cold

And my kindness is far beyond probe

具体 我心脏在哪里


Where exactly is my heart

怀疑 哪种经历配得上这种陷阱


Which kind of experience may match the trap


用我领地 讨好你

Delight you I try

With what I have

像觅食群体 展现的褒贬不一

I'm hunting for food then you're what I see

Good or bad I don't care

当空枪响起 狐狸还在原地

When the unloaded gun got fired

The fox stays where it is

我还要怎样取悦你 举止要纯洁无比

How could I try to delight you

With the manner mild and pure

我尽量学会很压抑 代价是不揭穿你

I have tried to keep it to myself

At the cost of not getting you exposed

世人太警惕 道听途说里 口碑轮不到狐狸

Human mind is too cautious

Rumor travels fast that foxes

Always go without honesty

总是有人来不及证明 就已被看腻 看腻

But someone has made themselves boring

Before he could prove that he's the one Meant to be

要确保五官很立体 看不出我是狐狸

I should make sure that

I get the perfect look ready

So I get my identity as fox concealed

再尽量展现出才艺 尾巴也不能翘起

I play hard to make the talent shining

And keep my tail beneath

心跳不整齐 内脏有偏离 这和爱有何关系

Abnormal heartbeat

Deviation of the guts

What does it matter to the relationship

大不了当你离开我森林 把皮毛送你

Take my fur with you if you mean it

When you leave my forest

到底 哪种经历配得上这种陷阱

After all

Which kind of experience may match the trap



