It’s really hard to be roommates with people if your suitcases are much better than theirs.
--Holden Caulfield, actor
I would rather spend an hour among the notorious than two minutes with the dull.
--Stephanie Barron, actress
The high point of civilization is that you can hate me and I can hate you, but we develop an etiquette that allows us to deal with each other because if we acted solely upon our impulse, we’d probably go to war.
--Standley Crouch
文明的最高表现就是你可以讨厌我,我也可以讨厌你,但我们发展出一套礼仪让我们可以相处。 如果光凭衡动行事,那我们很可能会大战。
I’m not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.
--Jackie Robinson
The question is not whether I treat you rudely, but whether you’ve ever heard me treat anyone else better.
--Professor Henry Higgins