
社会类题材汉译英翻译 上

2019-10-31  本文已影响0人  红云梦泽

自译: Recently, the family visiting holiday glided before the view of public due to the "often return home" was written into the law of the protection of elders rights. Derived from 50s in China, "home-visiting holiday"only covers the employee of nation institution and public institution. However, it is not being carried out well today. Thus, there are some people appeal that the regulation of it should be repaired and forced to be carried out, yet there are specialists points out that new problem will rise if it be carried out based on the fact that it stemmed from the time of 6 work day in a week and no year holiday.

原文: 近日,“常回家看看”被写入老年人权益保障法草案后,“探亲假”这个久被遗忘的名词,开始重回公众视野。“探亲假”源于上世纪50年代,只覆盖国家机关,事业单位员工,目前落实情况不甚理想。有民众呼吁应对探亲假规定予以重修,强制实行;但也有专家指出,探亲假产生于“一周工作6天,无年假”的时代背景,现在实施起来会出现新问题。

参考译文: Chinese are calling for the resurrection of the long forgotten home leave, after a draft law urges people to visit their ageing parents more frequently. Home leave is a period of approved absence authorized in the 1950s for employees of state agencies and institutions, but is currently poorly implemented. Some people suggest the benefit be renewed and even be turned into a mandate. Expert, however, say trying to adapt a worn-out regulation, last used when people worked 6 days a week with no annual paid leave, will be problematic.

1.草案 a draft law

2.在翻译前,必须明确中英句子结构差异: 中文结构“前轻后重”,中文结构事实,背景在前,表态,判断,结论在后,英文相反。翻译时,要独立于原文结构去翻译深层含义,如第一句,对主语进行切换。

3.home leave 探亲假


例: 谈谈经济和社会发展方面的问题,这里的“问题”属于虚指概括词,具体内容前面已经说明

翻译原则: “舍宏观概括,取微观具体”

5.“常回家看看”被写入老年人权益保障法草案后译为"after a draft law urges people to visit their ageing parents more frequently" 而不是"after visiting aged parents has been written into the draft law on the protection of rights and interests of the elderly",因为前者自然流畅,脱离了中文句子结构的束缚,以达意,流畅为目标


英文一个特点: 英文是一种非常看重形象词使用的语言,是一种更加立体的语言,是一种偏向图片式的语言,很多动词本身在英文中都带有形象,读来生动具体,而中文讲究正式统一,不求花哨张扬。

6.long forgotten 属于漏译

7.state agencies and institutions 国家机关,事业单位员工

8.翻译意识: 不要期待外国读者跟我们一样对中国那么了解,要设身处地从读者出发

如“home leave is a period of approved absence authorized in 1950s”把“探亲假”的特殊含义进行了说明解释

9.“有民众呼吁应对探亲假规定予以重修,强制实行”该句由两个分句构成,译者进行切分,译为“Some people suggest the benefit be renewed and even be turned into a mandate.”


英文特点:词的替换, 用“the benefit”替换“home leave”

强制实行进行了词性转换,译为“ mandate”


译文使用了when引导的状语从句,“的时代背景”是概括,舍弃即可,“a worn-out regulation”为“home leave”的替代词,一个problematic避免了可能的冗长行文

11. annual paid leave 年假


