Can wisdom protect against lonel

2022-07-27  本文已影响0人  Ricky的成长疗愈空间

You can also increase wisdom by developing self-compassion, Jeste said. That’s about accepting yourself for who you are. If you go to a party and not everyone wants to talk with you, let it go. “By developing compassion for yourself, you become less bothered about not connecting with those people,” said Jeste.

To become more positive about your life, Jeste said, keep a gratitude diary and write in it daily what makes you feel grateful, happy or proud. “Doing this regularly would help you start the next day looking for positive happenings,” said Jeste.

Alternatively, he suggested, share your day’s positive experiences with others at the dinner table.

Summing up his study’s findings, Jeste said: “Every one of us is capable of being wiser and less lonely. We have more control over our brain, mind, and body than we think. We teach our kids to form good physical habits like brushing teeth every morning and night. Likewise, we can form good mental and behavioral habits of wisdom at any age. Loneliness will then be a thing of the past.”


