Nature by Ralph Waldo Emerson节选(
爱默生在之前的名家散文中出现过其身影,之前有一篇《美国学者》因为资源不好下载不了了之,这一篇节选同样很有名气。这本书的各个篇章也多次在各种散文集中出现。翻了下百度共包括一个介绍+八个主要议题,与其说是提出over soul这样的概念,不如说是探讨人与自然界万物的关系,有点类似我们"天人合一"的思索。
拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生的个人主义,独立,对自然奇迹的欣赏是扎根于其民族的几条原则。虽然一些观点引起争议,但对所处的年代很有影响。其文采和哲思也在美国文学史上留有重要位置。本书还有另外一篇《〈日晷〉的通告》一文(The Announcement of The Dial),该文中的《日晷》就是他和志同道合的小伙伴一起成立的期刊,探讨超验主义。在爱默生的人生标签中就有一条很显著"the most Important figure of New England"。
Nature is a setting that fits equally well a comic or a mourning piece. In good health, the air is a cordial of incredible virtue.
Crossing a bare common, in snow puddles, at twilight, under a clouded sky, without having in my thoughts any occurrence of special good fortune, I have enjoyed a perfect exhilaration. I am glad to the brink of fear.
good fortune可以理解为good luck
In the woods too, a man casts off his years, as the snake his slough, and at what period soever of life, is always a child. In the woods, is perpetual youth. Within these plantations of God, a decorum and sanctity reign, a perennial festival is dressed, and the guest sees not how he should tire of them in a thousand years.
这一段不大好翻,太雅了。很有诗意,但太文有点脱离文字本意。开头一句觉得用中文"岁月如梭"就可以概括。In the woods, is perpetual youth. 是一句倒装,perpetual youth is in the woods. decroum 是指端庄,但有一种雅致在里面,plantation本意指种植园,在上一篇普利茅斯中翻译为开荒史,有的文翻译为花园,豹豹倒觉得本书翻译为园林比较贴切。也是个人偏好。
In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. Standing on the bare ground, — my head bathed by the blithe air, and uplifted into infinite space, — all mean egotism vanishes.
faith在此处感觉是一种对自然油然而生的虔敬,no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair. 此句是双重否定,blithe这个词印象太深,爱德华神奇之旅中小兔子掉进了海底,那艘轮船却无忧无虑开走了,用的就是blithely。
I become a transparent eye-ball; I am nothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. The name of the nearest friend sounds then foreign and accidental: to be brothers, to be acquaintances, — master or servant, is then a trifle and a disturbance. I am the lover of uncontained and immortal beauty. In the wilderness, I find something more dear and connate than in streets or villages. In the tranquil landscape, and especially in the distant line of the horizon, man beholds somewhat as beautiful as his own nature.
Someone or something that is immortal is famous and likely to be remembered for a long time. 不朽的; 流芳百世的
connate: existing in a person or thing from birth; congenital or innate 天生的
The greatest delight which the fields and woods minister, is the suggestion of an occult relation between man and the vegetable. I am not alone and unacknowledged. They nod to me, and I to them. The waving of the boughs in the storm, is new to me and old. It takes me by surprise, and yet is not unknown. Its effect is like that of a higher thought or a better emotion coming over me, when I deemed I was thinking justly or doing right.
这一段反复读了几遍,读起来没感觉,总觉得man and the vegetable太别扭了,脑袋里一直荡漾着"作人不成功,不如做一颗蔬菜…"本来犹豫要不要打上这句话,太煞风景了。不过是真实想法还是如实写出。或许写成plant会好很多。注:vegetable正式用法adj.是有植物性的意思,the+adj.表示一类,奈何蔬菜太深入人心。
The occult is the knowledge and study of supernatural or magical forces. 神秘学
If you describe something or someone as unacknowledged, you mean that people ignore their existence or presence, or are not aware of it. 被忽视的; 未被注意的
Yet it is certain that the power to produce this delight, does not reside in nature, but in man, or in a harmony of both. It is necessary to use these pleasures with great temperance. For, nature is not always tricked in holiday attire, but the same scene which yesterday breathed perfume and glittered as for the frolic of the nymphs, is overspread with melancholy today.
Your attire is the clothes you are wearing. 服装; 衣服
Nature always wears the colors of the spirit. To a man laboring under calamity, the heat of his own fire hath sadness in it. Then, there is a kind of contempt of the landscape felt by him who has just lost by death a dear friend. The sky is less grand as it shuts down over less worth in the population.
calamity ,catastrophe"灾难"这两个词太常见了,尤其是电影中。这一段前后照应,对自然认识逐步深化。自然不仅有喜悦,也有忧伤。人亦如此。
其他的就不说了,福尔摩斯快读完了,看到了"上帝的磨盘转得很慢,却磨得很细。"原本是《月亮与六便士》中的一句话,这里却莫名重合。...when the Lord stretched out His hand and gathered you into the true fold....As He will all the nations in His own good time,He grindeth slowly but exceeding small.