Chapter01-忙碌的早晨-07上厕所 (美国万用亲子英文)

2019-06-03  本文已影响0人  小猪慕慕

I have to pee. 我要去尿尿

I have to poop.我要去拉粑粑

I'm about to poop.我快要拉出来了(be about to正要做……)

Take off your pants first.先把你的裤子脱下来(take off:脱下)

Don't forget to flush.不要忘记冲水

Don't use too much toilet paper.不要用太多的卫生纸

Phew! It's stinks!唷,好臭啊

Tell me if you have to pee.如果你要尿尿的话要告诉我

Is it not coming out?尿不出来吗?

Don't hold it. Go pee.不要忍,去尿

It's not good to hold your pee.憋尿是不好的

I don't want to sit on the tolit.我不想坐马桶

Can you pee by yourself?你可以自己尿尿吗

Wash your hands after you poop.便便后要洗手

Flush the toilet only once.水冲一次就好

Call me when you're done.好了叫我哦

I'm done, Mom.妈妈,我好了

Can you wipe my bottom?你可以帮我擦屁股吗

I keep farting. Hold your nose.我一直要放屁,捏住你的鼻子

Ugh. who cut the cheese?哦,谁放屁了

Fart in my face, and I'll get you.放屁在我脸上的话,我会抓住你

Did you pee in your pants?你尿在裤子上了?

It looks like you were in a rush.看起来,你很急

Does your tummy ache?你肚子痛吗?

Don't hold it till you have to pee in your pants next time.下次不可以忍到尿在裤子上


