
【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

2019-04-11  本文已影响32人  青澄青果

Crypto-currencies - The madness of crowds


  节选自【经济学人】April, 2019



【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

Six months earlier a single Bitcoin cost just under $20,000. These days it is just $4,025. While the price was soaring, big financial institutions flirted with opening crypto-currency trading desks. The Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), one of the world's leading derivatives exchanges, launched a Bitcoin futures contract. Hundreds of copycat cryptocurrencies also soared, some far outperforming Bitcoin itself. Ripple rose by 36,000% during 2017. The bust has been correspondingly brutal. Those who bought near the top were left with one of the world's worst-performing assets. CBOE said it would soon stop offering Bitcoin future. Bitmain, a cryptocurrency miner, appears to have pulled a planned IPO. (Miners maintain a cryptocurrency's blockchain-a distributed transaction database-using huge numbers of specialised computers, and are paid in newly minted coins.)

六个月前一枚比特币是2万美元,现在已经降到4025美元。当时价格狂飙的时候,大型金融机构为了招徕客户还专门设置了加密币专柜。领先全球衍生品交易的芝加哥期权交易所还推出了比特币期货合约。成百上千的山寨版加密币价格攀升甚至超过了比特币的幅度。例如瑞博单在2017年就攀升了百分之36000. 不过攀升之后跌得很惨。最后这些劣质资产砸在那些接近高位买进的客户手里。芝加哥交易所也停止了比特币期货交易。比特大陆,一家加密币的挖矿公司也推迟了上市计划。这里解释一下,这些矿工利用专用计算机维护加密币区块链。区块链则是一种分布式加密币交易的数据库,矿工能够获得最新版的加密币作为报酬。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

The speed with which the bubble inflated and then popped invites comparisons with past financial manias, such as the Dutch tulip craze. Cryptocurrency enthusiasts like to claim a more flattering comparison-with the 1990s dotcom bubble. They point out that, despite the froth, viable businesses emerged from that episode. But the cryptocurrency fiasco has exposed three deep and related problems: the extent of genuine activity is hugely exaggerated; the technology does not scale well; and fraud may be endemic.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

Consider the overstatement of activity, first. Ten years after their invention, using cryptocurrencies to pay for goods and services remains a niche pastime. Bitcoin is the original cryptocurrency and still the most popular. In January it is declared that Bitcoin transactions in 2018 added up to $3.3trn. But such figures include an awful lot of double-counting, mostly related to the way Bitcoin handles changes. Strip that out, Bitcoin accounted for around $812bn of genuine transfers of value. Of that, only a fraction was used to buy things. Around $2.4bn went to merchant-service providers, which handle payments for businesses- a piffling sum compared with the $15trn of transaction in 2017 on Alipay and Wechat Pay. Even for speculators, business is less brisk than it seems. "Wash trading", in which traders buy and sell to each other(or themselves) to create the illusion of volume, is widespread. Bitwise Asset Management, a cryptocurrency-fund manager, analysed 81 cryptocurrency exchanges for a presentation to the Securities and Exchange Commission, an American financial regulator. The firm estimate that 95% of trading volume could be artificial. The Justice Department is investigating claims of price manipulation.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

The second problem is that the technology is too clunky to operate at scale. Cryptocurrencies are unlikely ever to achieve mass adoption. Unlike Alipay or WeChat Pay, cryptocurrencies are intended as new financial systems rather than extensions of the current one. But they have serious design flaws. Bitcoin's pseudonymous creator wanted it to be resistant to control by tyrannical governments and banks. Payment records are therefore not held centrally, but broadcast to all users. A new batch of Bitcoin is issued every ten minutes on average. That limits the network to processing about seven transactions per second. In 2017, as the crypto-bubble was inflating, the system became clogged. To ensure that transactions went through, users had to pay miners-at one point, as much as $50 per transaction.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

Moreover, Bitcoin is designed such that only 21m Bitcoins will ever be created, making it inherently deflationary. Mining, essentially a self-adjusting lottery in which participants compete to buy tickets, is energy-hungry. At the height of the boom it was thought to consume as much electricity as Ireland. These days, it merely consumes as much as Romania.


【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

The final problem is fraud. Transactions are irreversible- a boon for con-artists. Ponzi schemes are common, as is incompetence. Cyptocurrency exchanges often collapse or are hacked. In February QuadrigCX, a Canadian exchange, filed for bankruptcy, saying it had lost $165m in deposits when its founder, Gerard Cotton, died, since only he had known the encryption keys protecting QuadrigaCX's deposits. But on March 1st, Ernst & Yung, which was appointed to handle the bankruptcy, said that the deposit addresses seem to have been empty for at least eight months before the date Mr Cotton is said to have died.

最后的问题是欺诈问题泛滥。交易不可逆, 这就给庞氏骗局的设计者制造了机会。庞氏骗局无处不在,加密币交易市场经常被整垮或者被黑。今年2月,一家加拿大的交易所就申请破产,声称由于唯一掌握系统密钥的创始人去世而损失1.65亿美元。不过随着指定清算人的介入,发现其存款早在创始人去世前八个月就已经被清空了。

【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相 【朝花夕拾】-【经济学人】- 加密币市场疯狂众生相

