每年年初都是影视界成绩结算的日子,今年也不例外。近日,第76届美国电影电视金球奖(Golden Globe Awards)颁奖典礼在洛杉矶举行,在各类奖项评选中,呈现出群雄逐鹿的局面,热闹非凡。金球奖是美国影视界最重要的奖项之一,由好莱坞外国记者协会主办,颁奖典礼通常以晚宴的方式举行,奖励那些在艺术上有年度突破和成就的电视及电影。
金球奖对好莱坞以及全世界影视行业有着潜在的指向性,讨论度极高。由于颁奖时间大多设在1月初,因此金球奖往往被视为奥斯卡奖的风向标。但和学院气质浓厚的奥斯卡金像奖相比,金球奖则更具有观赏性和娱乐性。除此之外,本届金球奖也多了种族多元色彩,许多非白人主流的电影题材都发光发热。同时,此次金球奖典礼由韩裔女星吴珊卓(Sandra Oh)和全能影人安迪·萨姆伯格(Andy Samberg)联袂主持。吴珊卓也凭借《杀死伊芙》(Killing Eve)获得了剧情类剧集最佳女主角 ,成为近40年来,首位获得该奖项的亚裔演员,也是第一个主持金球奖的亚裔。
本篇课程首发于2019年1月11日,选自 The New York Times
Golden Globes 2019: Sandra Oh Gets Emotional About Hollywood Diversity
2019年金球奖:好莱坞演员sandra oh情绪激动
① After the Golden Globes hosts Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg delivered a mostly safe opening, going out of their way to praise the work of Hollywood, Oh ended the first segment on an emotional note about improvements in diversity in the film and television industry.
② Several films in the spotlight this awards season feature women and people of color. Oh's hosting gig is itself a barrier breaker: she is the first Asian woman to front a major awards show in the United States.
③ Oh told the crowd, "I wanted to be here to look out into this audience and witness this moment of change. And I'm not fooling myself. I'm not fooling myself. Next year could be different. It probably will be. But right now, this moment is real."
④ Before Oh's remarks turned earnest, she and Samberg started off with a bit in which he "read" Oh's lines off the teleprompter. That evolved into Samberg's newfound understanding about "whitewashing" in Hollywood, a term that usually refers to white actors being given a part initially written for a person of color.
Golden Globes / Golden Globe Awards: 金球奖
get emotional about sth.: 对某事感到很激动;变得情绪化
diversity /daɪˈvɜːsəti/: n. 多样性;多元化
host /həʊst/: n. 主持人
deliver /dɪˈlɪvə(r)/: vt. 发表
go out of the/one's way to do sth.: 费尽心思地去做某事
end sth. in/on sth.: 以……动作结束某事
note /nəʊt/: n. 评论;评价 (相当于 comment)
in/under the spotlight: 聚光灯之下 (形容某事或某人成为焦点)
feature /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/: vt. 以……为特色;主要呈现了……
people of color: 有色人种
gig /ɡɪɡ/: n. 现场演出
hosting gig: 现场主持
barrier /ˈbæriə(r)/: n. 障碍;壁垒;隔离
trade barrier: 贸易壁垒
front /frʌnt/: vt. 领导;主持 n.前面;前线
earnest /ˈɜːnɪst/: adj. 真诚的;认真的
start off with sth.: 从……开始
bit /bɪt/: n. 小表演;小桥段
evolve into: 发展成……;进化成……
initially /ɪˈnɪʃəli/: adv. 最初;首先
1. Golden Globes / Golden Globe Awards: 金球奖
· win a Golden Globe: 赢得金球奖
· show/entertainment business: 娱乐产业
· The Oscars / The Academy Awards: 奥斯卡金像奖
· win an Oscar: 赢得奥斯卡金像奖
· Hollywood Foreign Press Association: 好莱坞外国记者协会
· The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences: 美国电影艺术和科学学院
· The Emmy Awards: 艾美奖
· The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences: 电视艺术与科学学院
2. get emotional about sth.: 对某事感到很激动;变得情绪化
You would get very emotional about his leaving.
Some people just get emotional very easily.
3. diversity: n. 多样性;多元化
· cultural diversity: 文化多样性
· ecological diversity: 生态多样性
· a diversity/variety of sth.: 各种各样的……
· a diversity of opinions: 各种各样的观点
4. deliver: vt. 发表
· deliver a speech: 发表演讲
5. go out of the/one's way to do sth.: 费尽心思地去做某事
They really go out of the way to make me feel comfortable.
6. in/under the spotlight: 聚光灯之下 (形容某事或某人成为焦点)
Education will be put under the spotlight every year during the "two sessions".
7. feature: vt. 以……为特色;主要呈现了……
The exhibition features paintings by Picasso.
8. people of color: 有色人种
· Caucasian: n. 高加索人;白种人
· Asian: n. 亚洲人
· Hispanic: adj. 西班牙的;西语裔;拉丁裔
9. bit: n. 小表演;小桥段
· bit part: 小角色
· extra actor: 群众演员
· supporting actor: 配角演员
10. evolve into: 发展成……;进化成……
The conflict eventually evolved into violence.