绘本讲师训练营【9期英文】12/21 《Mouse Mess》
09110 邓萌
今天的这本《Mouse Mess》是由美国学乐公司出品的,作者是Linnea Rilley. 这是一本充满韵律和幽默的童书,非常适合4岁到8岁的孩子阅读。故事的主角是一只胆大包天的老鼠,让我们来看看他是如何在夜深人静之时,在人类的居所里为所欲为的吧!
黑夜是我的舞台! 环衬里即将登场的主角Hush, hush, a little mouse is sound asleep inside his house.
On the stairs, the sound of feet!
生动形象的画面Mouse is up. It’s time to eat!
Crunch-crunch, he wants a cracker. Munch-munch, a cookie snacker. (注意要慢读谐音部分并带领孩子们一起读。)
crackle-sweep, he takes corn flakes and jumps into the pile he makes.
这只是一个开始,后面milk cheese ... all food scattered all about.
转择出现了:Mouse steps back. He looks around. He can’t believe the mess he’s found.
很有领导视察的即视感“Who made this awful mess?”asks Mouse. These people need to clean their house!
Gurgle, bubble, water flows, soaks the jam between his toes.
Now that Mouse is clean and fed, he leaves the mess and goes...
to bed!
mess cracker cookie snacked corn flakes milk and cheese
jam peanut bread sugar olive pickle