【笔记_外国人中国历险指南(How To Survive in

2016-10-30  本文已影响0人  音乐故事_

Bring your own deodorant(除臭剂). Bring your own coffee. Get used to the smell of urine. Smile, a lot. Learn how to say where your from. Understand that it’s not rude if someone asks how much money you make. Listen to music. Read. Be patient. Don’t drink tap water. Try everything at least once, especially the stuff that grosses you out, it will make for a better story. Get out there and do stuff, try not to use the train of thought “Well, I deserve this,” too often. If you’re a man, carry a pack of cigarettes with you and offer them to any man you meet. They will most likely not take one, even if they do smoke, but they will appreciate the sentiment.


Try not to think in terms of right or wrong, rude or polite, dirty or clean. Ask as many questions as you can. Don’t talk about politics. Eat lots of noodles. Eat lots of fruit, but always clean them before hand. Don’t be shy. Go to karaoke. Don’t talk about Japan. If you like basketball play a pick up game with some strangers. Despite the fact that they don’t, look both ways before crossing the street. Bring your own ear plugs. Bring your own dental floss. Never pay full price. Don’t expect to get laid. Don’t do anything that could land you in jail. Find out what can and can’t land you in jail, you’ll be surprised.

不要以为事情不是对就是错,不是粗鲁就是客气,不是肮脏就是清白。有问题就尽管问,但是莫谈国是。多吃面条、多吃水果,不过吃之前最好洗干净。要外向,去 KTV,不要说日本的好话。如果你喜欢打篮球,尽管去和陌生人斗牛吧,或许中国人不会注意,但你过马路时要记得注意安全。带上防噪音耳塞,带上牙线,买东西永远要记得砍价。不要期待艳遇,不要做任何可能被喝茶的事。如果你有兴趣,可以研究一下究竟做什么会被抓,你一定会叹为观止。

Don’t freak out when someone invades your personal space. Try not to eat Western food, it’s expensive and often times unsatisfying. Visit the Great Wall, the Terra Cotta Warriors, the Summer Palace, but don’t linger. Get off the beaten path(走惯了的道路; 常规,老一套). Get lost. Take your time. Man zou. Walk slowly. Learn how to use chopsticks. Buy or rent a bike. Weaving in and out of traffic, dodging taxis and donkey pulled carts, and ringing your bell at pedestrians in your way will make you feel like you’re one of them. Don’t go in the water. Get used to sleeping on a rock hard bed.


Try not to reserve “thank you” for times when people really do help you, and try to reserve “I’m sorry,” for times when you’ve truly inconvenienced someone. It will only make them laugh if you over use it. If you learn to read any characters, learn foods first. Don’t worry about table manors. Talk with your mouth full of food. Burp. Slurp your tea as loud as you can. Go to a teahouse and try as many different kinds as you want.

如果别人帮了你忙不要吝啬“谢谢”,而“不好意思”最好烂肚子里,否则你只会被人取笑。 如果想学中文,先从食物开始。不要在乎餐桌礼仪,嘴里塞满食物时尽可以说话、打嗝。喝茶时啜饮的声音越大越好,最好能去茶社尝遍所有的茶品。

You’ll want to buy a lot of crap, but by the end of your journey you’ll realize that most of it just that, crap. Reserve days for doing nothing. Make lots of jokes. Don’t sleep in too often, Chinese people are early risers and you might miss a lot of the action. Don’t go to many temples. You’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all.


Keep your eyes open. Don’t get discouraged. It will be hard, but try not to think about home. Remind yourself that every day you’ve somehow ended up on the other side of the world, in the oldest civilization in the world. Ask yourself unanswerable questions and find satisfaction in this. Go fly a kite. It’s not just for kids.



